
Michael Bay just raped your whole family.

Spewing feces and actually throwing it are not mutually exclusive, I have done studies. #ImaScientist

Well its good youre not an asshole, that just means your joke wasnt funny.

Well there is no use in getting too sentimental about it now... Second Mile is over - even if they really wanted to try to keep it going I would imagine that there is just way too much stigma for potential donors. Having said that - they can probably use some of the infrastructure to help out other local charities and

Then that would probably still be true, if not now in 2.5 weeks.

Can you NOT READ.

clearly you kind of suck at reading comprehension judging by your response to my post... and my post wasnt even that long.

Please explain as I made no claims of being better than anyone else and in no way contradict myself in that post. All I did was make a value judgment (and i never said that was above or below me).

Hey genius... While Giz may have made you think i was replying to you there is clearly an @Timothy Neill tag on there. Just because I replied to the OP after you did doesnt mean I was talking to you.

The Chase ATM branch could probably consider itself not excluded, because ATMs dont generate "sales". Dont know why you would demand that an ATM profit share, because all that means is higher fees for customers...

Expect nothing less from yet ANOTHER exec type asshole who creates Non-Profit (or not for profit) ventures so that he can pocket more money PER YEAR than they pay out.

My point is that your assertion that the government has no place is completely inane, and that if you think that is stupid its something to take up with legislators and not regulatory agencies that merely enforce legislation. Most people still dont understand this as evinced by the fact that people hate the IRS - when

Yeah no. To start with what you think about their privacy policies is completely irrelevant. Facebook stated that they wouldnt share that info with certain parties without expressed consent. Whether or not you think that matters is not even remotely pertinent. Most people probably expected the level of privacy that

So you are saying that you are a racist asshole that posts only to offend people?

What you think should be allowed and what is LEGAL are no necessarily mutually exclusive. Again the government got involved because they ran afoul of the law, thats what they are SUPPOSED to do. If you think the laws are stupid, you should blame the legislators, but dont blame the agencies that enforce the laws that

Shouldnt this be the first non-white FULL owner? I thought that J Lo and Marc Antony were part owners of the fins... Im pretty sure that they are both at least half Hispanic.

If you are going to post something so overtly racist and/or offensive IT NEEDS TO BE FUNNY otherwise you just look like dick.

Well my first thoughts seeing him have something to do with mustaches and less so to do with his financial security.

Are you sure he isnt just Tebowing? Maybe we need to start a new public urination meme.