
Different rules affect different kids in different ways. Some kids shrug their shoulders and comply, no big deal. Others feel the uniform is just another aspect of the authoritarian environment that is school, a place where they are mostly miserable and can’t wait to leave. They respond as most adults would to being

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He’s been a Big Deal to people who care deeply about comedy at least since this video was made. Also, his previous specials on Netflix are simply brilliant and unique in their inventiveness and experimentation. Also, as mentioned above, his directorial debut, “Eighth Grade,” was nearly universally praised.

What if you just love things that you find funny, while not caring what other people think?

If people didn’t watch them, they wouldn’t make money, and they wouldn’t get made. But people do watch them. People, with different interests than you (!), are interested in watching them, so they do make money. So they get made. It’s the same principle for every product.

That’s not how “reoffend” is defined in the context of criminal-justice, though I’ve no doubt it’s used that way frequently to justify excessive penalties which are, as always, inflicted mostly on poor and non-white citizens.

This is the problem with using prison as a punishment. It’s inherently subjective. How much is the right amount? We should imprison people when they present a danger to the public or are high risk for re0ffending. The impulse to punish is the foundation of mass incarceration.

That stuff isn’t real. People regularly complain about how “mean” he is to Jack McBrayer during his appearances. It’s a gag. Conan has a reputation for being one of the nicest bosses in show-business. Fortunately, we live in an age where powerful people like Ellen DeGeneres and Scott Rudin are seeing consequences for

As an addiction counselor, I believe part of the reason that people with addiction die is because of the attitude that “junkies die.” And I don’t mean to imply that only bad or evil people have that belief, or that you might look down on people who have addiction, because it’s very common and I believed it myself, once

I sincerely appreciate this recommendation, but to say, “In Cuckoo’s Nest, all Nicholson had to be was Jack Nicholson, movie star,” is to profoundly misunderstand the craft of acting and what is necessary to create a performance like the one Nicholson gave. It’s like saying, “In that game, all Curry had to be Stephen

I think it’s not “naive,” so much as “decent” and “humanizing” to hold off on thinking the worst of people without very good evidence of bad behavior. Until such evidence comes to light, I think it’s okay, and actually very mentally healthy, to enjoy a person’s art or product or company or whatever, unabashedly.

“Ever” is a little too “Voldemort” for me. The word is strong enough without endowing it with superpowers.

It looks good. And I love to see schools held to account for perpetuating these kinds of shitty environments. It always seems funny to me that while we want girls to stand up for themselves, to know how to say, “no,” and feel comfortable doing it, we still expect them to never say no to the nonsense rules and various w

Assuming you’re not a close friend, how do you know how “hetero” or “cis” or “male” he is? Why do you presume to know such things?

Mortensen is most definitely not of the MAGA variety (more of the Bernie variety). I believe the original post is referring to not wanting to experience a MAGA character in order to explore the dynamic of such a family.

It’s only obligatory if you have the puritan and false belief that people don’t change.

I’m sorry that you’ve been through what you’ve been through. Your experience is your own. Other people have their own experiences, which don’t invalidate your own, just as your experiences don’t invalidate theirs.

Oh, my post probably seemed more “corrective” than I intended. It definitely didn’t come across like you were suggesting anything like that. I think you were just expressing a very commonly held and understandable feeling (one that I held until just a few years ago). I think a lot of people feel like addiction never

I agree 100% about the man and that special. But it’s important for folks to remember that addiction (compulsive use of a substance despite the negative consequences of that use) absolutely does go away. Sometimes with treatment, but most people who suffer from addiction get over that addiction without treatment, and

If you think they were seriously suggesting that vaccines cause autism, I think you didn’t get the joke. Or maybe you just didn’t like the joke, thinking it was muddled and/or unfunny. Either are fine. But it’s very silly to suggest that they (and not their idiotic characters) were seriously claiming that vaccines

Not sure how much Mayweather worries about his “brand.”