Shit, it should be socially acceptable NOW.
Shit, it should be socially acceptable NOW.
I might be naive, but does this mean people are paying daycare providers and nannies more? Because that seems like a good thing for the people on the receiving end of that exchange.
"...also, lots of dudes were sad about something."
People are mentioning hula and such, which is funny, since I was going to suggest that she might be Hawaiian.
My reasoning for this is that Japan and Hawaii have strong cultural similarities, what with the whole WWII thing...kinda like the Philippines and Spanish culture...
ANYWAY, something I've noticed, Japanese…
Phoebe is actually one of my favourite Elite 4 members, just because she's so chipper and tropical despite being a master of basically dead pokemon. It gets repetitive seeing the sumo wrestler likes fighting types, the beach bum likes water types, the cute little girl likes fairy types etc.
As someone who's battled insomnia exactly like this (overactive mind) for the better part of 15 years, I highly recommend the trifecta: 3mg of melatonin 3 hours before you want to sleep (make it the same time every night), a little bit of protein a half hour before bed (honestly, complex carbs are better for sleep,…
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy solved that problem for me, breaking bad mental habits like thinking too much at night. I still have the occasional bad night, but it's nowhere near as frequent nor severe as it used to be. Now that I don't dread going to bed every night, my life feels dramatically better!
I just heard a story on NPR about people who split their sleep, and that this is actually very common and normal through history 'pre-electricity'. Essentially, it said you should sleep a few hours, wake for a few hours and do something quiet like reading or reflection, and then go back for a few more hours.
This happens to me from time to time and I find I need to distract myself, I can't let my mind start running wild on its own. Therefore I put an earbud in one ear and quietly play a podcast from a local radio show to give my mind something else to focus on until I eventually fall back asleep.
Yeah but, the logo is upside down
Ugh, that's the worst. :( Hang in there till that study, and good luck there. There's nothing quite like not being able to get a good night's rest to really screw with you.
Your comment makes me throw up a little.
"A lot of people say that this new craze by the often misguided 'social justice' crowd won't actually change anything in real life. This clearly shows that they are wrong. It has already started affecting choice, and the quick capitulation of a major retailer to their demands is highly worrying."
So, I get why they would ban things with sexual violence. I think it's not a perfect policy, but I really respect the kind of thinking behind the decision to not sell works that depict sexual violence.
I see this less as extreme feminism and more "Won't someone think of the children!?!" to the extreme.
Can you provide a link that proves this causation?
Exactly, for me...working out at home with Dance Central is loads of fun. Never before have I ever looked forward to working out. This is what needs to be the driving force...something you actually look forward to doing.
Well there you go, promise fulfilled.
And, you can include fitness video games. Dance Central Spotlight is a pretty descent workout, especially when using the fitness mode. A 60 minute workout in fitness mode would likely give most people a run for their money. Plus, it is fun and you get stats, achievements and progression like video games.
The setting seems very cool but seriously stop milking AC so so SO HARD, UBISOFT. If I want Victorian assassins I can go play Dishonored.