
It gets weird and zany, but in a way that stays true to life. The only other show I can think of right now that manages that quality is Louie

Anyone who's seen Raising Arizona enough times to quote from it is OK in my book.

You know it doesn't matter anyway

I've read them all multiple times! The last two are initially impenetrable, but improve with each reading.

Why so serious, man?

I carry Fop.

Parseltongue, motherfucker! DO YOU SPEAK IT

* Jonathan Franzen opens new browser tab, goes to, orders Robert McKee screenwriting book *

Not even Raising Arizona?

Coen Brothers puns are no country for old men.

George Clooney's hair really tied the room together.

Get a load of this nerd who likes quality films!

I want Eddie Mannix to be played by Kurtwood Smith. "Can you fly, Georgie?"

I don't play them anymore. I buy them, but I don't play them.

"We apologize for the fault in the subtitles. Those responsible have been sacked."

The Joe Isuzu Story

They keep getting younger, I stay the same age.

Firth: "You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and drone you."

*strokes beard thoughtfully*

That's what Obama said?