Hes talking about Cyber City OEDO 808. Hilarious dub actually makes it worth watching.
Hes talking about Cyber City OEDO 808. Hilarious dub actually makes it worth watching.
Honey badger don't care… he does what he wants.
Honey Badger don't give a shit. I Watched one of my friends get killed constantly on his stream by these badgers.
Yes... in the immortal words of Inigo "I do not think that word means what you think it means."
You just saved my Halloween. I don't wait for the last minute, who's got a whole minute?
So what, because they aren't being civil, you feel you have the right to not be civil? That doesn't excuse your shitty behavior in any way whatsoever. And I sure as hell never, ever said that I stand with them. I'm fully against any of that despicable behavior. But hey, I'm not gonna agree with someone like you…
No surprises here! :P How else can I say it... it figures. ;)
Dungeon Crawler RPG mixed with a social interaction game (the latter half is what makes it special) with a great story. I would suggest starting with Persona 4 (PS2, also a PSN download for the PS3) or P4:The Golden (PSVita). (Both are the same game but The Golden has a bunch of extra stuff)
Yeah honestly my biggest turn off was probably the fact that Soul Eater looked so.... moe.
I dont have anything against moe per say but it has its time and place and I dont think it really belongs in the Soul Eater Universe. Well I guess if it wasnt terrible and follows the manga I can check it out down the road.
That's quite true, but while this is looked into further, wouldn't "Possible Robin Williams Reference Found in World of Warcraft" be a bit more accurate than "Apparent Robin Williams Model"?
Actually that password is just a coincidence. The JUSTIN BAILEY password follows the same rules as most other passwords (NARPAS SWORD being the exception, which violates the checksum and was hardcoded) and it's not the only password that results in this outfit (try "000000 000020 000000 000020"). Probably what…
I think the best thing to do would be to give his daughter the choice. Maybe she doesn't want to be reminded of her father's death every time she tries to escape into a hobby she seems to really enjoy? I respect that fans are trying to do something honorable here but I really think Williams' daughter should have the…
Honestly, that is the stupidest idea I've ever heard. What's to stop me from calling your boss and making up allegations that would get you in trouble. Sure you might be able to prove that the allegations were false, with some effort. But I guarantee if someone knows your name and where you work, they can cause a…
Please then, post your name and place of employment for everyone to see just in case someone doesn't like something you say on the internet someday.
Actually they could keep Troy Baker as Joel.
FFIV was released with Chrono Trigger in Final Fantasy Chronicles. FFV got packaged with FFVI in Final Fantasy Anthology.
...I never understood that joke until right now....
Thanks for that explanation ahahahaha
Then those people are sadly misinformed and/or dreamers because I look at Kickstarter with a completely different mindset.