Aiden Ryan

I thought she would turn herself in but to Dr. Strange so she could learn to control her power now that she understood it was magic.

Probably not.  They’re all dead.

Man, you having a bad day? I can’t fathom how someone who’s having a good day has a reaction about an article about HDMI switches is immediately anti-anything. If you need someone to talk to, there’s a subreddit r/Needafriend

Man, you having a bad day? I can’t fathom how someone who’s having a good day has a reaction about an article about

A few weeks ago I started looking back at my last-gen catalog. I’ve been getting tired of recent games that have been gradually turning into services that demand more time from me. FOMO, and all that.

Oh good, it wasn’t that fucking douche canoe, Palmer Luckey.

I still don’t get the “Inception ripoff” thing... more accurately, Inception ripped off old Doctor Strange comics

“If you know a higher authority on the matter that disagrees, we would be happy for you to name it.”

Everything you need to know about how dragons work can be found here.

I think Saboteur was pretty good. You're actually fighting Nazi's, which is pretty much the best evil empire to fight against. From what I remember the story was pretty decent as well, even though I never finished the game.

Just an FYI... this show is no longer on Crunchyroll. It was removed on November 9, 2018 when the partnership between Crunchyroll and Funimation came to an end.

Ah, remember the time we had THE LIFT in DP/SM?

“Kylo Ren, the fearsome and complicated villain of the new Star Wars movies”

Now playing

You mean you haven’t experienced this magic?

MGS4, the Shadow Moses level. Mmm.

Puddles....and now doors..... ok......


At the rate WalMart pays me, $400 isn’t “cheap”. If they want to market stuff to students, they’re gonna have to work within the budget limits of the average student.

I always wondered why Uncharted never seemed to get the same suspension of disbelief as any other shooter game in this regard, but I guess it’s a testament do how “realistic” they made the game feel.

this song has so many feels, i just love it. and happy to see it here.