To start: that was one of the most genuinely enjoyable 22 minutes of TV I’ve seen in a long time, and while I certainly appreciate all the work he does for TLS, but my GOD did this remind me how much I wish Colbert would do more VA work.
To start: that was one of the most genuinely enjoyable 22 minutes of TV I’ve seen in a long time, and while I certainly appreciate all the work he does for TLS, but my GOD did this remind me how much I wish Colbert would do more VA work.
I’d buy that for a dollar!
Those Germans are not leaving the foundations of the lab. The guy Werner was talking to looked slightly familiar too, not from the BB universe but I felt the camera lingered on him too long like we should remember him again. No half measures.
Leon: That was for Joe.
This might blow you simple little mind away but it doesn’t matter what a women’s current or past profession is when it comes to sexually harassing them. It’s wrong and sick.
“So eventually we can stop fucking murdering children.”
Shrugging off NG’s role in our decades-long campaign of blowing up children is way more cynical.
No, because some interns are actually paid a stipend. Not every company is terrible, just most.
Yemeni kids are getting lots of exposure to the aerospace industry right now!
Who the hell dreams of being The Vision? “Are you tired of emotions and genitalia? Then come join our team at Northrop Grumman.”
Our reality is some other reality’s most ingenious work of satire.
Walton Goggins is a national treasure.
The running theory is this: Laura, the Golden Orb, was sent by the Lodge Spirits to defeat Judy, the Mother, the Experiment. Bob tried to kill or possess Laura to stop her, through Leland. Judy possessed Sarah.
Ok, get this. Jon is a red herring. Dany is Azor Ahai, she loses another dragon in battle, and the true love she needs to sacrifice is her last remaining dragon.
In episode 2F09, when Itchy plays Scratchy’s skeleton like a xylophone, he strikes the same rib in succession, yet he produces two clearly different tones. I mean, what are we to believe, that this is a magic xylophone, or something?
The links to “sister” sites are unnecessary.
So you know that little card with the reviews listed and the letter grade? Yeah that would be great if you could bring that back?