Utah Cornelius

Yup. Karma, I guess. In another ten or fifteen years TX and FL (and AZ) will be pretty much baked out of existence. All the people moving there now will be headed back north, where real estate will be a lot more expensive than when they left to go south. TX is the second largest state, and FL is the fourth I believe

I really like the concept of space exploration and I do believe we are in an important war with China over the moon but I have a hard time with the money we are spending on all the space-related agencies. A total of about $62B. Meanwhile, we are spending about $45B on all medical research on ALL medical conditons.

I think it’ll take another 30-90 days to get a better picture. They’re working on enhancements, like hashtags and being able to limit your feed to people you follow... Hopefully people will try it again once those critical features show up.

I guess all journalists should check in with you first to determine what questions their article should answer.

I have no problem with Elon telling his employees that they have to work in the office. Though I’d bet $10K he WILL excuse certain, entitled employees. That, too, is his choice. But he doesn’t have to be an ignorant dick about it. There is no morality involved whatsoever in whether or not someone works from home. On

Huh. Because I’ve read elsewhere that Yaccarino is also attracted to QAnon nuggets of wisdom’

toojayzee: you obviously didn’t read Disaster Capitalizm by Naomi Klein. Why do you think capitalists create bubbles? They create chaos. Those who can afford the best information navigate the chaos AND get out before the whole house of cards comes down.

My daughter’s boyfriend’s father went to jail for running a $150M ponzi scheme. 6 years. I’ve known of black guys who served fifteen years for cannabis. Probably why Trump is stumping on doubling down on the drug war.