
I'm with you on that. The entire point of Bond movies is that they're silly power fantasies about a guy who is a gritty anti-hero who has the power to attract super models, both good and evil, to his bed on a daily basis. If you try and change that, you might as well just be making a brand new spy series at this point.

I mean, you're not wrong, but it's still somehow a thing I've heard people say. And I just can't wrap my head around it, even when people explain it. Like, it's a worldview so strange I can't even begin to comprehend it.

Except I've legitimately heard people say that. A lot. Somehow.

It's a good point. We can just call him a narcissist without the disorder.

Rock climbing?

Joe Don Baker is Mittens! He's a cop!

The line about Planned Parenthood is blatantly false, though. The majority of their services and work is non abortion related.

I can't hate Kevin Smith. I might not like a lot of the stuff he actually produces, but I listen to him talk about the things he loves and his passion for movies and comics becomes infectious.

Clerks is drawn by a live studio audience!

Wasn't The Boondocks pretty much a large satire of black culture and the problems within it? I mean, entertainment mocking or spoofing race, and not just white, aren't exactly new.

But plenty of MCU movies have gotten great reviews. DCU on the other hand has been less lucky on that front.

Man, reception activities like that make my decision* to never marry sound like I really lucked out.

Unfortunately, I don't think he has any plans to visit Mt. Doom.

Didn't they do an entire episode devoted how to people will twist pretty much any story to fit their pre-existing ideas?

I'm with you on that. I don't always agree with SP, but I think they get way too much crap for the "always in the middle" approach. Saying both sides are bad is not the same thing as "both sides are always equally bad." Acknowledging and mocking the failures of one side is not an endorsement or criticism of the other.

Cancer generally doesn't sue people at the drop of a hat.

I didn't see the last season, but I did watch season 19, and I took away the message that "PC culture values some good and important things but a large number of people subscribe to it in order to get on a high horse and attempt to justify acting like a total dickhead in the name of morality."

I'm kinda seconding this. Can we please not do this type of stuff? I'm already anxiety ridden and depressed and this sort of stuff does not help. I don't think it's particularly likely, at least in the short term, but I really don't need the doubt constantly creeping into my mind.

4chan has had plenty of boards that constantly joke about how gay they are, like /co/ (comics and cartoons) claiming to be gayer than /y/ (yaoi). So it's hard for me to feel like the site is inherently homophobic. I mean there are obvious people who are (and people who act like they are to be edgy and/or contrarian)

Totalitarian regimes tend to be pretty similar, regardless of political leanings. Horseshoe theory and all that.