
Basically, Splinter Cells 1-3 were slow paced games. People compared it to Metal Gear Solid, because two games about stealth HAVE to be similar, right? But MGS at least allowed you to have the option of running and gunning. Snake can hold his own in a firefight. Fisher really can't, at least not as well.

Naked people are funny.
Kids like to draw funny things.
Ergo, children like painting naked people. It shouldn't really come as a surprise.

Naked people are funny.
Kids like to draw funny things.
Ergo, children like painting naked people. It shouldn't really come as a surprise.

I remember seeing the Nostalgia Critic's interview with the Animaniacs' creators and he specifically asked why they went with a Kirk Douglas spoof when Heston might have made more sense.

I remember seeing the Nostalgia Critic's interview with the Animaniacs' creators and he specifically asked why they went with a Kirk Douglas spoof when Heston might have made more sense.

Baramos, I wish I was joking when I say that I've read "Christian" reviews that are deeply offended by all the nudity in GoT, but don't even mention all of the, you know, murders.  It's something that confuses me greatly.

Baramos, I wish I was joking when I say that I've read "Christian" reviews that are deeply offended by all the nudity in GoT, but don't even mention all of the, you know, murders.  It's something that confuses me greatly.

I wish I could like partdavid's post more. Informative in exactly the right way.

I wish I could like partdavid's post more. Informative in exactly the right way.

I did know a therapist who claimed CNN stood for Communist News Network. So these silly acronyms hit a little too close to reality for me.

I did know a therapist who claimed CNN stood for Communist News Network. So these silly acronyms hit a little too close to reality for me.

Well, they should complain. Remember that time those guys did something symbolic and it totally caused something real and powerful to happen?

Well, they should complain. Remember that time those guys did something symbolic and it totally caused something real and powerful to happen?

I'm pretty sure he knows he's a mediocre singer.

I'm pretty sure he knows he's a mediocre singer.

At first, I misread that as "after THEY broke up," implying that Colbert never liked the Venture Bros. and my heart nearly broke. But then I realized what you meant and… still felt kind of bad.

At first, I misread that as "after THEY broke up," implying that Colbert never liked the Venture Bros. and my heart nearly broke. But then I realized what you meant and… still felt kind of bad.

How many kids shows (or, hell, English shows period) would show an entire skit in another language? It blew my mind as a kid.

How many kids shows (or, hell, English shows period) would show an entire skit in another language? It blew my mind as a kid.

Where did it go? Was it Carmen Sandiego?