
Counterpoint: don’t ever complain about your s/o to other people. Ever. Journaling is actually a great and healthy way of getting your feelings out without coloring them with the uninformed and biased opinions of even your closest friends. If you have issues with your s/o, communicate with your s/o to resolve them. If

The Cheddar Bay Biscuit box mix from red lobster is usually easy to find at Aldis or the dollar store too and tastes exactly like what they make in the restaurant.... I definitely don't have a dozen boxes in my pantry right now. Nope.

All I have to add to this is that Jessica Fletcher caught a suspect in the act by tricking him with the specifics of coulibiac.

Think more cocaine and psychopathy.

There’s a partner at my law firm like this. He’s a huge name in his field and over the last decade he’s gotten increasingly erratic to the point where his only job is to act like the brilliant attorney he was 25 years ago for an hour long client lunch once in a while. He barely white-knuckled it through the last two.

He’s a terrrrrrrrrible side piece. I feel like these famous, out of his league women thought he’d be a low stakes, decent lay who would feel grateful to them for the slight boost in profile and therefore keep his mouth shut and he somehow didn’t get rules of sidepiecery.

It has to be largely genetics. My ancestors nearly exclusively consumed meat and potatoes fried in lard and all lived to be in their late 90s, at least, with barely a bout of cancer among them. I think if you come from folks who are dead by 50 from heart attacks/diabetes-related concerns, etc. that eating steamed

Every time one of my close friends with kids says this to me, I’m like, bitch, I was sitting right next to you when you were sweating that pregnancy test. You couldn't even figure out condoms, you simple cow, how is society supposed to trust you with a whole ass kid? Please.

I was watching it like, I am going to be SO pissed if this is some homophobic bullshit about a gay man killing his former lover bc internalized homophobia.

Oh man. Wait until the lunatic mommy fringe comes roaring into these comments with their blog expertise and 'intuition'.

“as the oldest girl in the family (there were seven kids in all), she’d been responsible for a lot of housework and childcare. When she and my great-grandfather married, he promised her she would never have to be a household slave again, which is maybe the most romantic thing that has ever happened to anyone in my

Right? This is not the female critics' problem. Also, the whole point of being a restaurant critic used to be remaining anonymous so that the reader got the true experience of eating at the place in question. Ruth Reichl launched an entire career from her dual experiences at Le Cirque this way. 

Right? I was confused by the premise. Have these folks never eaten pretzels and nutella? I was going to ask rhetorically if they've ever eaten beaver dams, but I feel like that's a mean innuendo joke to make on a website devoted to nerds. 

Who doesn’t love poptarts? The cinnamon sugar ones are still a favorite.

Well, yes, the small business situation in the whole state is something to behold. But the owners themselves outright stated that there were shenanigans with the owners of the building. 

Yeah, I’m starting to think that maybe the ex wife wasn’t the problem here... if I’m out with a guy who causes this kind of drama more than once (if I’m being honest, if he sends anything back that isn’t egregious, I’m out), I’m going to think he’s an unreasonable psycho. Maybe order something that doesn't require so

I unabashedly love Shirley Temples. Gingerale, not Sprite. Heavy on the cherries and grenadine. Yes, my tastebuds are doing well in Kindergarten, thank you for asking. 

Stacey, you can say ‘jello mold’, this is a safe space. 

Beekman products are incredible. I got a basket of their goodies as a corporate gift and the lotions and soaps smell soooooo good.

These shows will be single handedly responsible for collapsing the housing market again. And I am not exagerrating.