
Yeah. This is a little strange. It’s pretty easy to evaluate whether a place is going to have good food- and honestly that’s all that matters to ke unless the service is really egregious. One of my favorite cocktail and small plate places got too big for its britches and did a huge expansion. They went from a small

I agree. In small towns you really only find two good options: the restaurants that reflect the cultural heritage of the town (where I’m from it’s Italian) or bars that serve wholesale market bar food. If you’re lucky and live in a wealthier area, some might have an upscale farm to table place or two.

I like trying new places when they first open, but I’m also not super picky about etiquette. Fill my soda, tell me what’s good when I ask, drop off my food, and leave me be. I could sit in a restaurant all night, take your time- take care of the folks who want to be in and out in 30 minutes (hi mom, I hate eating out

I think that the judge was trying to do her best to end this for good. Making it as appeal-proof as possible and also managing the expectations of both ‘sides’. Black people were expecting her to get 5 years, so anything more than that will be met with pleasant surprise and white people will think that 10 years for

I don’t like the concept of atheism just because it validates the existence of religion and the ludicrous notion of god. I’m not anti god, he just doesn’t exist. Religion is a tool used to control the masses. If others want to take part in the charade because they find it comforting, that’s fine but also none of my

As someone who was raised in a deeply Irish Catholic family, who is vehemently anti-religion, I find it shocking that they wouldn’t have had this discussion before they got married. That’s one of the vital topics to be in agreement on- not necessarily degrees of faith, but the role it plays in your lives together.

I’ve gotten to the ripe old, ‘don’t explain, never apologize’, age of 32 and this is how I now respond to people who question any choice I make. This includes why I don’t drink alcohol. “Gingerale is a drink” is my new favorite response. Thank you, internet stranger.

The major synagogue in my hometown does a 2 day festival in September every year where they sell the most amazing apple honey walnut cake. I’ve never been able to replicate it, so I roll out of cake tent on the first day with 20 9x9 tins of the stuff to freeze and enjoy all year. And then I’m back the next day for

I’m from upstate NY. Unless they were picked and made here in the fall and you get one really close to dipping, they are awful.

Yeah. I like caramel and apples together but not as caramel apples.

All this howling about climate change legislation has me like, why are we saving this shit? Have you all looked outdoors? Let it burn.

There’s no need to apologize to me. The next time you see this happening, say something to the guy. Unfortunately, they don’t listen to or believe women- check out the dude who got upset on last week’s Salty for telling him that a workplace isn’t an appropriate venue to date.

The best advice I ever got when I was a kid was to learn how to have fun without drinking before I added in alcohol. I tried out a similar line to that on a friend in college who was pushing me to try her white russian and she was like, ‘how do you know unless you try?’ People don’t like boundaries. I should also

Ha. When I was in banking, I had to do a lot of networking and people didn’t know how to conduct smalltalk, so it often devolved into talking about alcohol. In retail banking everyone knows everyone else and it got around quickly who liked to ‘party’. I’ve ordered shirley temples before, but I’m a woman, so no one

It’s because they feel called out. I don’t drink, never have. Will be standing around minding my own business with a gingerale and some schmuck will invariably ask me why I’m not drinking. It then devolves into an increasingly desperate interrogation from the other person about why I don’t drink:

Stop harassing women, creeper.

Stop harassing women, creeper.

Wow, why haven’t we thought of that?

If I were the type to live golddigger calculus, I would need so so so much more than a quarter million a year to put up with short dude bullshit. Like, shit, I work for Big Law. When I make partner, I'll clear that much, easily, minus the whining about how he would have gotten a D1 football scholarship if he was just

Christ. Have you not been paying attention, at all? Not heard the accounts of the countless women who have had their careers derailed or terminated because they followed your advice? If it was just as simple as telling a man no, we would have no problems. Do. Not. Approach. Women. At. Work. Your job is not a wife or