I don’t know why, but something about Tiffany being closer to and leaning towards her father and not her husband in their wedding photos kinda eeks me out.
I don’t know why, but something about Tiffany being closer to and leaning towards her father and not her husband in their wedding photos kinda eeks me out.
Exactly, and if you have to travel but have the ability, move the dates around and travel a week or two before or after the actual holiday.
Yeah, it’s just a typical right wing circle jerk and she wants someone to make her feel better since her fee-fees are getting hurt.
The most vapid and petty family in human history?
Unfortunately, far, far too many people in the world have a significant portion of their self-identity tied to either a sports team or a political team, or both. These folks wouldn’t know how or what to think if they abandoned either, so they continue along ignoring all of the harm being done in the process.
They (Conservatives) keep calling schools Liberal brainwashing sites, yet all we ever see come out of schools is this right wing, racist, aggressive to kids bullshit. The call is coming from inside the house.
I keep waiting for them to start hinting publicly at going after removal of birth control. They do that while Biden’s veto is still present and they’re basically tossing a live grenade in their collective pants, and I would love to see the entire party crumble instantly from that choice.
Boomers got kinda fucked to be fair. Drowned in leaded gas, nuclear testing fallout, coal power as a significant portion of enegry production with the radiation and pollution that goes with it and high rates of smoking. It’s a wonder as many have made it to their 60's and up as they have.
And they’re not wrong, people are that stupid. Look at all of the complaints about inflation driving up as the reason for voting, yet not one of them could explain how inflation happens, or why it’s happening right now because if they could it wouldn’t be on the list of reasons to go vote.
In their eyes it’s always someone else’s fault, even if they’re the ones self-referencing somehow. I dunno, I can’t even begin to fathom how the Conservative mind works (or doesn’t).
He said little black “woman” on the phone because he caught himself trying to say something else and shifted to woman instead of the word he really wanted to use.
I tell my boomer parents that every time the go full boomer, just casually drop a line about how unfortunate it is they swam in all that lead back in the 60's and 70's during their formative years.
I get what Killa K is saying, and overall, I think he’s right that humans writ large enjoy being with other humans face to face. That being said as a pretty solid introvert (ignoring everything in the world that actually matters for the sake of argument) 2020 was likely the most enjoyable year of my life.
And on top of that if you actually go look at the statistics crime is down significantly over the 80s and 90s, showing continuous drops under Democratic presidencies, and slight rises under Republican presidencies, with the major outlier being 2020, a year in the heart of the pandemic in which crime increase makes…
Well, the defining characteristic for Republicans/Conservatives is hypocrisy, so it checks out and shouldn’t be all that unexpected at this point. Hypocritical Cons gonna Con.
I own a Tesla vehicle and can’t stand Musk. At this point I’m all for his over-leveraging taking Tesla under, and having it end up bought out by a GM/Ford/VW etc.
Because there’s a significant portion of the population that can’t orgasm unless people notice them or they can annoy the fuck out of the general population.
This game is not going to drive significant uptake in new PS5 sales as it sits right now, so limiting it to exclusivity is only going to hurt their overall sales numbers.
The audience is large because there’s no nuance anymore, there’s not gray, there’s just this team versus that team as a basis for self-identity. It’s incredibly repulsive. COVID was a decent start, but we really need a significantly more effective plague.
Fair enough, but even if DeSantis got the nod and they refused to abandon Trump, they would STILL vote R once they got to the polls.