
The only difference between Russian and American dash cam videos is that there’s generally less snow on the ground. That’s about it.

I mean these people are generally psychotic by default.

That’s the point at which I typically slow down to about 2-3 mph under the speed limit by just slowly letting off the throttle. They typically then just go around. I used to think action like that would just make them even more mad, or incite road rage, but they’re already pissed so I doubt what I’m doing would be

Yeah at the speed that plane was traveling, proximity to ground crew and visibility-lowering weather it’s amazing that a human or two wasn’t sucked into E1.

They always argue that they in fact are correct for... reasons, but they sure find out real quick that the guys with badges, guns and prisons are the ones with the final say regardless of their interpretations of the law.

I have the opposite reaction where going down one of these rabbit holes makes me realize that we’re just one large meteorite away from cleansing this universe of the stupidity and uselessness of humanity. Existential dread all the way down.

I dunno. I’m in the US, in suburban sprawl, and I’d buy that car.

What makes you think he wasn’t trying to, or was late specifically because he was actively spitting in a female employees face?

From what I can tell she’s just straight-forward, but since she’s a woman, that means rude, apparently.

Then she’s lying and was likely never a D voter. It’s all performative for these people, and always projection.

Unfortunately all of Texas is an inflamed boil upon the buttocks of Texas.

This reeks of grandstanding in an attempt to appear to be politically correct rather than an actual attempt to be....

Paging the ACLU. There should be lawsuits like, yesterday.

Wait, you mean they got what they voted for when they voted against their own self-interests? I’m shocked, shocked I say.

Progressed? Do you remember back when gaming companies actually QA tested their software before releasing it out into the wild instead of using paying consumers as QC/Beta Testers?

Yeah unless Dems find a younger, solid, currently “unknown/non-spotlight” candidate to field there’s not much chance in ‘24. I just can’t see Kamala winning being female and a POC as this country just sucks too much to look past that, and that’s outside of the politics, history with law enforcement and campaigning.

This is the right call. If Masi truly wanted a fair showdown then that red flag should have been tossed the instant Latifi hit the wall.

Hell if he was he’d probably still be alive right now.

Plenty of edgelords in every country, on every topic.

For a person like her, the only realistic option now is to double down, which conveniently is the typical republican tactic. Go figure.