
It’s pretty stupid, and can be made worse as well. I have in-laws that are very MAGA and “boot straps” who think people should get jobs and work hard for their money, not be given handouts, yet they tip basically nothing without even remotely realizing the disconnect.

Maybe 50, 100, 200 years ago or further when literally all of human knowledge wasn’t immediately at your fingertips I could see the ease of sucking people into a cult, but these days it’s inexcusable.

I’m an unconcerned parent. First of all, dress codes are morally and functionally stupid and mostly serve to enforce conformity while simultaneously being used to harass and abuse girls and minorities.

Because unfortunately his traits are exactly what’s needed to rise to the very top without wanting to blow your brains out or fire yourself into the sun to escape this dystopian reality we’re in, so that’s all that’s up there, and that’s all they bring into their group.

Username checks out. :P

In the face of minors while on a school campus? Good luck with that argument. Not sure why you’re so hard up defending this behavior with “well actually”.  Bet you have some fun skeletons in that closet of yours.

Or they don’t want to rile up their F150-buying demographic in the south and plains states. It’s all just calculation on what will make or save them the most money, and the math is still fuzzy so they’re delaying as long as possible, probably hoping someone else makes the decision for them.

Basic human nature. Without a clear external threat, the goals shift to generating internal ones. Humans simply cannot tolerate a lack of conflict and will self-generate it if they find it missing.

Right? If Britney qualifies legitimately for a conservatorship, then so does half the population of this country.

Fireproofing isn’t there to stop the structures they cover from permanent exposure to fire/heat/damage, it’s there to provide a limited window of time for said fire to be put out and for people to escape before sufficiently weakening the structure to the point of failure.

I really want to say it’s because the world is less scary if every terrible event was done by someone.”

For Mustangs, curbs are the amuse-bouche to the ditch meal just beyond.

Yeah no. An aggressive adult male, on a school campus, filming literal children while shouting is not a passive victim, he’s the aggressor. She is clearly the one defending herself from, as shown by his actions, a violent man with no boundaries.

It’s not even radicalizing them, it’s simply providing them with common sense and critical thinking skill. You know, things any normal adult/parent should be teaching them anyway, but is somehow completely missing on the right.

I’m firmly in camp “let-em”.

Flipping through her twitter, man her (pokemon and non-pokemon) designs are amazing. It’s like juuuuust on the everyday wearable side of cosplay, and just gorgeous.

So basically like everything else we see in the world now, right? I swear The Onion and Idiocracy were meant to be satire and a warning, yet here were are doing our best to surpass them.

Trump brought class-action lawsuits against the three Big Tech titans last month, seeking unspecified damages for alleged First Amendment violations that Trump said could total “trillions” of dollars.”

Look here, Europe. No matter how hard you try you’re not going to out-fat us Americans.