The only saving grace for me is I put a 550hp 410W in it, so I can effectively crack all of the original unibody via the torque, as well as, inevitably, the entire rear diff and axles. Pretty clever on my part.
My 1970 Mach 1 agrees with this statement. There’s no better way to throw away your money than an old muscle car. I guess maybe strippers and blow, but at least you’d have fun memories and STDs to remember it by, instead of arthritis, hands that don’t work, and years of stress and frustration.
My choice between freedom and safety was made a long time ago with my 1947 International KB2 daily driver, and my 1970 Mustang fun car. Though that choice may be taken from me if gasoline becomes prohibitively expensive in the future.
Nah, she wouldn’t say that. Not enough N words in that quote.
Yeah, was going to point out that 6/9 vehicles in that photo were trucks or SUVs, yet they’re all crying about a plant closing that produced small cars.... that basically nobody buys anymore.
I wish I had your optimism. All I see is a country full of morons spiraling the drain, and there’s no way out.
I’m sorry, but The United States of America has never been great. At some points decent, at other horrifically oppressive and damaging. Good to see the brainwashing is working, though. I’d say pick up a history book and read some, but those have been washed over as well.
I had this same problem with my 2014 Focus ST. I live in Texas, which is a front plate state, but the dealer got my car for me from Louisiana, which is not, so there was no pre-installed plate bracket on the front.
I just let them move along and go bother someone else. I’m not about to further piss off an already pissed off driver, who clearly doesn’t care one iota about any other human beings. Shit like that is how you get killed in the US. Call me a beta cuck or whatever that nonsense is, that’s fine. At least me and my kid…
The more stuff I try to think of to separate us Texans from Floridians, the more I realize there is no difference, it’s the same people, we simply have more cows.
Florida with bro-dozers.
Even Fox News isn’t biting at this one. That should tell you something.
Sure, unemployment is down and wages up between 2%-3% YoY since the 2008 collapse, but if you factor in inflation, today’s average hourly wage has just about the same purchasing power it did in 1978. Meanwhile, wage gains have largely gone to the highest 90th percentile of earners, with minimal gains at 75th…
Nothing is an actual felony if you’re never prosecuted for it.
I mean at this point in our country, there are only two ways Trump is going down. One is with a heart exploding/artery clogging, and the other is foreign metal deposited inside his body at high velocity. The people in the country are too fucked up, too beyond hope and too brainwashed, and sit within a system that…
Nice to know I could go sexually assault anyone I want and as long as it’s just the two of us the burden’s on the victim. Cool. I like the idea of having no repercussions for any of my actions.
A bit hyperbolic there bud, but I’d be intellectually dishonest if I said I didn’t understand where you were coming from.
Yeah, that’s one the main one, just east of Tech on Univ. They tore down a BUNCH of those old neighborhoods and built a lot of new apartment buildings over there, which is where a good chunk of students live now.