
Either she had a crush on Nancy (which is how I choose to see it) or the Duffer brothers just think that's how girls interact (it's not).

Plus, I'm certain nearly every person hating on Barb has gotten attached to a minor character at least once in their lives. It's ridiculous how much negativity she's getting here.

Perfect! Now I know she approves of her, Gillian can finally officiate my hopefully-inevitable wedding to Kate.

Alright, that's it. I've seen enough. I'm ready to die now.

Petition to stop sending Matt Damon to space. He always finds a way fuck things up, intentionally or not.

Was she obnoxious? Everyone keeps saying that, but I don't see it. Maybe that's because I'm a younger sister. Whoops.

No, not at all. I hate that trope even more than its "it was all a dream!" sibling.

[Orpah voice] And you get to be an Alderson! And you get to be an Alderson! Everybody gets to be an Alderson!

What I'm getting from these comments: Everything is in everyone else's head, roughly everyone is dead, Edward Norton?, the only one we can trust is the fish.

I've only remained with the Blacklist because of Spader, the soundtrack, and the fact it's watchable enough to make fun of. The Following is just downright painful. It's pointless even to mock it.

Hey, someone has to.

Is it bad of me to hope the Walking Dead spin-off is nipped in the bud so that this doesn't happen?

[praises hallelujah to the bisexual overlord and prays fervently for agent carter and/or agents of shield to be next]

I didn't even realize it was Gaga at first. I knew she was soon to perform, but it didn't really click until a few moments into the song(s?). She truly was amazing.

Julie Andrew's appearance was pretty great, as well.

Nooo. Don't say that. None of you say that. My little queer heart couldn't take it.

That's probably why she isn't in every episode. Because she out-badasses literally everyone.

Those reasons being?

Let me clarify: there's no logical, non-homophobic debate over Korrasami. And you're right, the reason for the Dumbledore and Korrasami debates is the same, and that reason is that a truly astounding amount of people are still bigoted jackasses.

There's debate over Dumbledore's sexuality because Rowling did nothing, if I recall correctly (I haven't read the series since I was fairly small), to hint at it during the books and only "came out" with the announcement once the series was finished, once it was safe. There's no debate over Korrasami because there