
She really isn’t. If you’d kept reading, you would have seen that there were a variety of factors that influenced her conservatism, including her upbringing. Special emphasis is placed on the boyfriend because he is used as an example throughout the article and eventually plays an important role in her leftward shift.

Then you were very unusual for an 18 year old.

Let me guess: you emerged from your mother’s womb into a birthing pool filled with people chanting your name, took a breath of clean, suburban Minnesota air, and your first words were your fully formed political ideology... that coincidentally just happens to match verbatim with two pages on Bernie’s campaign website.

I stopped reading after that.

In the way that a burning building is fun to watch, but I generally prefer not to be watching from inside the building.

I worked for a guy who told me flat-out that while I deserved a promotion, he couldn’t give it to me, because then I would “make more than the boys, and boys have to make more than girls.” He added that if I “could convince the boys to work harder, then [he] could give the boys raises, and when he gives the boys

Ellie is this your gentle way of telling me to stop sitting at my desk in the nude with a beach towel padding my chair or what

And this is why you may very well lose in November. I could go into detail, but what's the use on gawker media?

A lot of self-described “challenging” people are just dicks.

Right!!! No one should have to “handle you.” Of course everyone has bad days and good, but it’s not my husband’s job to “handle me” if I feel like going home and dumping my shitty day on him. Handle your own baggage and work on yourself so you aren’t a difficult person to be with.

That was where she lost me. Like, the guy was being nice! If you feel compelled to mock someone for doing a nice thing, then it’s not really a mystery why people don’t like being around you.

What you would call ‘challenging’ in a woman, you’d surely call at least borderline ‘abusive’ in a man. My rule; people who are ‘challenging’ should accept an equally challenging partner. This is not what I’ve read out of this. She’s been looking for a human Piñata who will simply absorb anything she levels at him.

There can be a fine line between being challenging and just being an asshole. This veered into the latter territory (and I don’t even mean the boner poke, which was just insecure and weird).

So if she’s disliked simply because she’s a woman, then how can you have any honest discussion about the numerous reasons she shouldn’t be President? At the end of the day, you can dismiss all arguments as “Well of course they’d say that, she’s a woman”. It can’t possibly be because of her handling of this email

That made me see red. When dealing with guns the rule is “Are you actively planning to shoot something/someone or in the process of cleaning the weapon? No? Then the gun is in a secured, locked box and ammunition is in a different secured locked box”. It really is not that hard. If you own a gun then it should be out

You fucking, stupid, careless asshole. Usually? Usually?

It must be very cool to think that your interests are the only interests

I am not painting *you* as anything. I am also, in my way, as I mentioned up top, “a woman who supports Bernie,” although as a journalist I don’t throw my arms around any politician entirely and never will.

So there is some context required, the girls were kidnapped about 5 months before the presidential election and President Goodluck Jonathan (who frankly brought very little good luck to the country) decided that the kidnapping was an effort to discredit him and his presidency. So they did nothing for almost 5 days,