
As a woman that is also married to a fucking moron I suggest Kim embrace the ideas that she isn’t responsible for anybody’s actions but her own and that what other people think about her is none of her business. I mean, she won’t but I’ve put it out there.

Plot Twist - Kim Kardashian is the one with more common sense.

Thirded. A lot of feminist/social justice writing refuses to acknowledge the grey, when most things are grey.

I think part of what makes these conversations so difficult is that we can’t ever hold them in a truly safe space. We can’t have a real conversation about the grey areas in sexuality without some creep jumping in to be like, “Exactly, it’s complicated, that’s why I’m not a rapist.” We feel pressure to be like “CONSENT

I wonder how different Bieber would look and act if the whole “Lesbians Who Look Like Bieber” thing hadn’t happened. Even though the mature response would have been to take it in stride and laugh it off, I think that really bruised his ego and he’s worked overtime ever since to establish his manliness.

i am glued to their snapchats. if you like watching Wholefoods dinners cooking and rob standing around in a gym it’s FIRE EMOJI.

I think this engagement news is great. Kylie and Tyga should also get married. They should all live together and raise the kid (Blac & Tygas) together and it’ll be like one big convoluted episode of Modern Family

The View will be on for at least 3 more years !?!

I’m a Panthers fan and you are a truth teller.

My theory is the arm belongs to Von Miller, because that dude was everywhere last night.

laughing so hard right nnow i can barely type

Do you think they make Jeb sit at the kids’ table

Thanksgiving is going to be so much fun at the Bush family compound this year.

Thank you so much. That means a lot, especially because I know firsthand the harassment you expose yourself to when you publicly support a woman. We Hillary supporters tend to stay silent ( I was for a long time), because we are afraid of being harassed (rightfully so, I get called uneducated bitch, feminazi daily by

Bernie supporter here. I’ve noticed a lot of fellow supporters treat the smallest perceived slight as the biggest personal insult they’ve ever heard. Some of em are downright paranoid. Honest policy questions are sometimes met with hostility. That shit needs to change.

“She’s really fucking busy” = “We didn’t even try because we can’t fucking afford her.”

Seriously, who cares about Iowa anyway? And, potatoes, who wants to be famous for potatoes? It's an ugly vegetable. Who wants to eat ugly vegetables? I certainly don't. Do you know what's beautiful? Corn. Great vegetable, tremendous vegetable. Just beautiful. That's what New Hampshire has, right? Corn? That's why I'm