Fuck you Hook is awesome. BANGARANG
Fuck you Hook is awesome. BANGARANG
Yes Veit, we get it, you drank the gawker kool-aid and now you resort to wide generalizations, labels, and hashtags. Go you!
No, you’re definitely the one misreading what is being said here. Our arguments aren’t about whether it’s LITERALLY EVERYBODY or not. We’re clearly arguing on one stance that it is a majority issue within the community, and on the other that it’s actually the minority that are the problem. And that maybe a community…
I’m not sure why you’re even giving him credit because he was wrong on that one too. You don’t have to leave it up to us to figure out what you’re actually saying. You ACTUALLY said this
My dude, reading comprehension is a thing.
Yeah no. Obviously I’m asking for the examples that made them feel that way. To back up the statement. I gave some where we support women in the scene. Repeatedly. Literally putting our money where our mouths are, and sponsoring people of all walks of life and the scene itself. The rest of my “dissertation” which is…
This is really the main point honestly, but the only response I’m getting is “OH, SO YOU KNOW LIKE TWO NON RACISTS NON WHITE PEOPLE. THAT’S NICE, NOW LET ME TELL YOU HOW THE WHOLE COMMUNITY IS TRASH!”
Lol@me and the people I know aren’t racist....allegedly!! God you guys are so fucked up on the social front that it’s ridiculous. You’ve organized enough of these tournaments to know that the community should be generalized as a woman hating overly aggressive racist group of people eh? The tournaments you put together…
Where is that argument even coming from? That it’s more acceptable to be trans in the FGC than being a “cis woman.” Please, I’m curious to hear the backing behind it. We’ve pooled money together and sent Mahreen to represent us in the street fighter community for Evo and several other competitions this year alone.…
You’re cherry picking like one person who said one thing about defending misogyny as part of the fgc legacy, and it was a joke by a walking meme factory. And the heel factor for iconic competitive players in the fgc has existed before you were even born. If anybody is using it as an excuse to mask their actual racism…
But you’re so far removed from the FGC and have zero context behind any of this. That KBrad popoff, as you can see by the audience members, was coming for SO long and it’s the pop off we all wanted to happen. Even the announcers were egging it on as it went down. That Mortal Kombat pop off...nobody wanted that shit.…
lol this thread is nothing but self important assholes who are proud they don’t move aside, complaining about self important assholes who don’t move aside. Where is the self awareness in any of this? How is this being turned into a sexism thing, and why is everybody here a completely socially unaware moro-oh wait I’m…
I actually think this point is being completely overlooked and not considered whatsoever. I think it’s entirely possible that turn based menu system for rpgs has MORE broad/mass appeal than an action system. I am dead serious, and I think everybody else is completely misreading the market on this. And the kind of…
Jesus and even the gameplay department is questionable. The junction and draw system are blatantly terrible and it’s really confusing how those made it into the final design. And boy, if you thought summon cut scenes were bad, imagine having to press square repeatedly until your thumb falls off every single time you…
Yeah, remakes happen all of the time that update the world, character, story, and visuals, but retain the same gameplay. Have you heard of REmake for the Gamecube? Have you seen the Link’s Awakening remake? The Oddworld Inhabitants ground up remakes? I mean have you even played a remake? That’s actually more typical…
How are you going to ignore Pokemon while rounding up these turn based stats lol
Yeah, you see, you’re trying to argue with people who look at this god awful action combat as “progress” and that retaining the best battle system the series ever had for the remake of one of its two most important titles is a bad thing. Can’t win here. “So you’d rather stand still and click through menus?” You’re…
Get back to me when there’s a new map and I’m down.
The combat in DMC however, is utterly fantastic and a joy to execute. And that’s the guy working the combat on this one.
“there’s a secret down here...i’m not going to get it(or show it to you) though”