a horse running

If you’ve been following GT for the past few years, especially Mike Huber and the Final Bets series, you know that moment is ludicrously more insane than people even realize. Shenmue 3.

The Valve Effect

It’s going to be very interesting to listen to these giants speak. Because they’re going to announce the spiritual replacement to Silent Hills. That and they’re insightful and whatever

Dude we’ve been asking for new nintendo ips since the beginning of nintendo. You bet your ass we asked for those games.

Alien Isolation gets the best non-stylized graphics of this gen. The way they rendered the late 70's vision of the future is immaculate. That game overall is shockingly good. The perfect Alien game never to be topped.

Cool, now both you and the men involved are assholes. Stoop to their level to stick it to em!

Because that’s not a they. That’s very specific dumb fucking people doing VERY dumb fucking things. What does swatting anybody have to do with “ethics in gaming”? Nothing. That’s like saying any pro animal lover is comparable to a person who bombs fucking labs. People can have similar ideals and not be crazy assholes.

Sorry that you think in black and white like that, but I’m not associated with any group. I’m anti-GG because I think people who need ethics in fucking video games of all things are part of the mindshare of loud ass first world problem moaning. And I’m most certainly anti-your bullshit where you label people and then

It’s literally a problem that exists solely so that people online can circlejerk each other whilst accomplishing fuck all. It’s nothing but hate posts and threats from everybody involved. And all of it is unnecessary. One man is dying and attempts to cut out because he sees how petty it all is. You then take the

Shut the fuck up about gamergate already you sad fucking people. This man is dying of cancer. To you, it’s still time to vilify him over some stupid first world bullshit that means nothing. Grow the fuck up already. You’re so obsessed on this path of moral self righteousness that you’re completely blind to how much of

I just beat it on hard mode today since the DC snow-in and my eyes are on fucking fire. The game is super meta, and I appreciate the final boss/ending and the commentary to and sometimes about the fanbase. I’d say this game and The Beginner’s Guide came from hearts in similar places. I wouldn’t say it was the

“If bullying bothers them, I wonder why they allow Bully to be streamed.”

That’s a joke done out of angst in her comedic style. What’s next on the overreaction on overreactions plate?

“I can’t believe he’s about to roll into traffic like that!”

To be fair, xX420WeedLords have existed in PC gaming long before the original XBOX even came out. But everything else checks out for sure.

Now playing

People are going to hate on it, but the debut trailer for Hatred is one of the best trailers I have seen in a very long time

Oh sweet, I thought I was going to have to wait for it to actually come out before seeing the inevitable failure of Occulus Generation 1. Better luck next time guys.

And that is how you swing a banhammer

Well fuck, they just squandered the best subsidiary name they had.

Don’t forget the previous entry in the series, Vita exclusive Touch My Katamari!