A part of me still wants to download and support the devs in the hopes that we’ll get a full fledged next gen Katamari...but I don’t think that will be the end result no matter how much they get out of it
A part of me still wants to download and support the devs in the hopes that we’ll get a full fledged next gen Katamari...but I don’t think that will be the end result no matter how much they get out of it
That’s some shit tier trolling you’ve got there. Couldn’t you have at least implied that the OP was an unstoppable rape machine by his choice of words or something? What happened Jezebel...your ludicrous completely socially unaware outrages over nothing were a lot better the previous year
In my thirties now, I’ve played through them all as they came out in their respective era. VII is undisputed in my mind. It is the only one that has held up through my repeated plays growing up. The writing for the characters(sometimes gratingly tropey) and the overall story for VI just doesn’t hit me on the human…
Well you’re not wrong. You could wholeheartedly sell Braid to anybody who is into puzzle games, even if they dislike platforming, but you would have difficulty selling it to somebody who is strictly into classic platforming.
I’ve had the same thoughts as well given the whole “puzzle game with abandoned environment and computer monitors spread about.” If you beat Soma and know of its dev history and how its story completely changed halfway through, you’d probably think they played The Talos Principle and then changed their game…
What if Braid and Portal are Puzzle Platformers? They clearly have elements of both.
And even then you have to be on a turn where the machine will actually stop on the track where it’s in line with one of the slots, otherwise it will move ever so slightly beyond the spot you need no matter how precise you are. Same goes for any crane game, Stacker machine, etc.
You need to play this fucking game. This goes for all of you.
Davey did not steal a thing and put this game together himself to tell a very human story about a very real human being. If you think he stole these so he could sell them and get the guy to make more games, you have completely missed the point of the game and what it is trying to evoke. The game couldn’t be more clear…
Because it’s a heavily autobiographical piece that involves very real events and emotions that Davey had been experiencing post Stanley Parable, and throughout his life. It’s not completely fiction because it’s a vertical slice of Davey the real human being. That’s the point. It’s confusing to say, but perhaps you…
Great gif, but no way in hell is “Have you tried/looked in a mirror?” a sick burn. Yo mama jokes are even fresher than that.
For sure! I wouldn’t be here if I stopped having fun with my hobbies “cuz the internets” :]
I still have bruises all around my ribs from being elbowed repeatedly during the great Mortal Kombat/Street Fighter wars of ‘92 in the arcade
I may have rose tinted glasses, but you are blind to the past. My comparison to the arcade had everything to do with playing games with people and not microtransactions or the cost.
Yes! Couch Co-Op, or even going to an arcade back in the day. Playing online with friends with webcam and the whole setup works, but it completely loses that electricity of actually being there with each other. Playing games online vs together irl always has this layer of artificiality to it, and it feels empty when I…
Oh buddy, you’re opening up a can of worms. Especially when games like the recent back to back Tomb Raiders are smash hits. And Alien Isolation, one of the best triple A games I’ve played in forever, sold over 2 million on a series all about a woman kicking ass and taking the Alien matter into her hands. Ripley’s own…
I have this aversion to popular videos wherein the people in it mention just how popular it’s going to be. “Front page Reddit!” “Aw yeah guys youtube videoooo!”
That said....it’s still just not the same thing.
I love how he even treats his release dates like jump scares.