a horse running
Now playing

Really good stuff. I’ll never get sick of drums. Now to add to what is sure to be a clutter of drum videos, my personal favorite drummer is Zach Hill. Here’s him practicing(but if you listen to Hella or Death Grips you know this is pretty much how he sounds all the time)

Witness as the OP and all three of the responses fall for this ludicrously obvious troll.

Welp, I’ve seen Holy Grail and Life of Brian, time to watch this now.

Damn, that’s one of the best Rockwell’s I’ve never seen before.

tell me what this is!

Stores with cosmetic items do not change gameplay. Having all of the heroes locked behind ludicrous paywalls and grindfests does. False sense of value? Smite, pay 30 bucks get every hero in the game and in the future. League, buy literally every single individual character, new ones at 10 bucks a piece. There’s over

Psht, people hate it because it’s “more of the same,” not just because it’s popular. Now leave me alone while I go play Mario Kart 8, Final Fantasy 15, and literally the 19th Zelda. You know, actual good original games

Me too. I bet she’s a Miike fan

“I don’t hang out on cesspools like NeoGaf and Reddit who just exist to find new ways to moan about stuff.”

“something it arguably needs, considering the extreme skill ceiling of high movement, high intensity shooters targeting only PC players”

I was hoping for a better reaction/longer post than that, but I’ll take it.

Rampage is better than Ultimate Destruction.

The Silent Hill thing in particular is so bizarre, because Konami said that we would be getting both Origins and Shattered Memories available to download on the Vita, and then within a week or so they made a followup post saying that it was a mistake, and that they were in fact not going to put the Silent Hill games

Yeah but there’s no way you’d look at Qora and expect some sort of gameplay heavy experience. The reviews blow my mind as if they didn’t read about the game or even watch the trailer prior to buying it.

Fucking let me download Silent Hill Shattered Memories onto the Vita already without having to use an external console. It’s Halloween season you assholes. Maybe just make all of the current PSOne/PSP classics on the PSN available to the Vita and you might make more money. From me personally. And probably everybody

Visually it reminds me of The Deer God and Qora. That said, has anybody else here played Qora? I can’t believe how little coverage and play that game received. It’s like a 2D Dear Esther/Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture/Eidolon, so if you check the steam page expect comments along the lines of “THIS ISN’T A GAME!”

I’ll break out Quake Arena every once in a while. The only game I had played in the past five years that came close to resembling that type of throwback twitch shooter was Shootmania Storm, but I only played shortly during the beta. It was pretty good, not sure why I didn’t stick with it....

I’m getting way more of a Hans Landa out of it, personally

Holy shit, I cringed at the people recording the video more than the kid himself lmfao

Seriously? Of all the episodes to quit out on you’re about to deny yourself one of the greatest climaxes and moments in the series...