a horse running

Goddamnit please just make Silent Hills a reality. You can’t tell us about the dream team behind it, put out the most successful proof of concept of this generation, and then turn it into a sexy pachinko machine and call it a day. You just can’t.

Well one thing’s for sure...when it comes to aiming anything, a touchpad is going to be much faster and finer than a stick.

Your two cents are not even worth .02

I just replayed F.E.A.R and its two expansion packs last week. Looks like I celebrated early without even knowing it. The game is so good it inspired me to randomly reinstall it and play through it...then I had to install the expansions and play through those again as well. It still holds up today as a solid mix of

Yeah, no, I made that post prior to realizing how blatant of a troll this all actually is. On a post about a man’s terminal cancer. That’s top level.

You might want to re-read his post. He wrote an open article on the topic and it was “anti-GG” people that spammed his e-mail, and called him a misogynist and said he should be fired from his job.

Hahaha that’s extra spooky because I also preferred CoD 1(I logged on about a year ago and there’s still people playing MP_Harbor), mained the iron sight and scoped rifles, with the Kar98 being my favorite! It’s also my weapon of choice in Day of Defeat though I was never quite serious in that game.

I respect CS more than Quake, though my roots are in the latter. I definitely can see how my post reads like I’m shitting on it, but it’s not the point I was trying to make lol. Two sentences can be dangerous.

Yeah, that was a dangerous post. I’ve got another guy already nagging me on it. There isn’t a person in the world who could imply CS doesn’t take skill. In fact, many would argue it takes the most skill overall out of any FPS, and that having to compensate for spray pattern on the fly is a big part of it(on top of

You definitely don’t know what I’m talking about. I didn’t even say CS didn’t take an insane level of skill to be great at. Read my followup post to digitaloverdose when he asks me if I’ve played CS....

I dumped so many hours into RotT as a kid. The codes for that game were insane. There was a code for missile cam view so you could watch the rocket you fired fly into the enemy. That was crazy good stuff for 94

1.6, Source, and GO. Yes. Also played a ton of competitive Quake 2 and Arena. Even had a competitive stint in Call of Duty 1 and 2(pre-Modern Warfare), so I have a strong mix of competitive level knowledge of three various FPS archtypes. Quake and CS both take ludicrous levels of skill to be at the top, but the pure

Oh joy...more zelda HD remakes. So exciting news. I’m literally two seconds away from finally selling off the Wii U what with Starfox and an actual new Zelda being pushed til next year anyways.

They both have their fair share of bunny hopping, but Quake had nothing to do with semi-random spray. Pure skill.

I own the physical copy of that collection of shorts! Amongst many others. Definitely my favorite manga artist. That particular short story is really fucked up.

Seriously makes me want to cry. Whoever it was that wrote the story about how Junji Ito was also involved, I hate you. I hate everything about this.

I think this is going to be the third or fourth CG Resi film to come out alongside the live actions

Could I get some examples of this? I think me and Ronda might be on the same page.

Goddamnit Nathan, you read from the bottom up? THE BOTTOM UP?! Our reader/writer relationship is officially over, and you’re never touching my spreadsheets ever again.