Melancholie Der Engel
Melancholie Der Engel
How anybody can be so lukewarm on Inside blows my mind. It’s not the best horror film by any stretch, but it stands out in a genre nearly impossible to stand out in.
You’re Next is the dream Home Alone sequel I always wanted where Kevin is all grown up and his traps have more realistic effects on the Sticky Bandits.
I’ve dumped nearly a hundred hours into Eidolon wherein all you do is walk slowly and stare at low poly nature, just to do it and explore. I’m not alone. Those with nothing to meditate upon and with low attention span will not be amazed by No Man’s Sky for long, but those of us who can’t get enough of this type of…
to cover the entire history of Gawker*
Well, shit, the difference here is that in your story nobody actually apologized, so dredging it up almost has a hint of merit. But don’t be that guy who says he knows something relevant, won’t say it, then when is asked by multiple people to elaborate, says “nobody cares” and says nothing. It has that nasty flavor of…
That’s actually very different for your seemingly typical teenage horror flick. There’s usually a clear divide of at least one decent relatable character and “the evil.” The end twist reveals they’re all a bunch of bullies whether openly or privately. And very rarely in a horror film has the victim of bullying to the…
This seems to be done similar in the vein of Cactus’(Hotline Miami) Mondo Medicals series. Think like Portal, but instead of using in-game logic, you use anti-game logic. You have to think very much outside of the box as these games play by no rules. Trying to use standard logic will only move you in circles.
Yeah, Unfriended was surprisingly clever and well done for a teenage horror film. Go look at The Gallows if you want to see some shit. Unfriended already has and will be very much overlooked by horror fans.
Did anybody else here play The Talos Principle first, and have the entire story for Soma subdued because of it? Love both games, but when they completely overhauled the story for Soma, they ended up with something excessively similar thematically and philosophically to The Talos Principle and what it means to be…
Yeah that’s one that sticks with you for a while. Junji Ito is really good at twisted imagery(literally in the case of Uzumaki) and story concepts. They had THE dream team for Silent Hills. On that note, I just remembered that they’re releasing more of Ito’s short stories in america, time to hit up the ol Amazon.
Hey you can go fuck yourself because Uzumaki is amazing
It’s because of the WAU(The main organic material in the game attaching itself to the electronics). It is explained in the game, including how the mind tricks itself into “feeling” its surroundings.
Way to marginilize the aliens from DBZ.
A month from now...
The Uzumaki film was a pretty good take on the manga.
Wait, how does a single shower scene in a full game with context and a story compare to a game where all you do is rub people in the shower
Well at least you’re open to admitting you marginalize arguments and ignore the meat of the discussion like a typical Kinja user.
My post and its contents about how important visuals are in the modern age for a rail shooter, and how the game could have better graphics if it wasn’t trying to render both the main and cockpit modes are as on point as it could possibly be. Tell me how irrelevant those points are again?