a horse running

Starfox is its graphics. It always has been way back when Nintendo put “FX chips” into the cartridges just to have a 3D polygonal SNES game. They’re not about gameplay, they’re glorified rail shooters. The vast majority of the time you’re moving forward and shooting things to make them go boom and nothing else.

My initial reaction was to vomit much like everybody else, but...I dunno, I think I can give this one a fair shot when it comes out. It has 200% more Zombie Jammer than your traditional multiplayer experience.

That’s scary as fuck right there. Some Critters level shenanigans.

I enjoyed both films as a kid. I always wanted Hollywood’s pink cadillac

I’d agree with that analogy if it wasn’t for the fact that droid users are typically way more aggressive about telling you why their product is superior and why you’re a dumbass for buying apple products. But yeah.

Lmfao that is legitimately the funniest shitpost I have seen in a while. My favorite part “I bet you thought his name was Romer or Roamer, get the fuck out, how old were you”

Syphon Filter really did look like utter shit, and it didn’t even play the best, but it was alright filler after Metal Gear. I have a theory that it went on to become an entire series all because of the taser.

And doing The End “normally” also constitutes as a half dozen different ways to attack. You can use the microphone amp to hear him snoring, you can use thermal to see his recent steps, you can see the glint in his scope when he lines up his shot, you can catch his bird and then let it go to find him, or you can do

They found Kuba face down in the river the next day...

You couldn’t run and shoot until Resident Evil 6...

I wish Nintendo was stuck in the 90’s. It’s the Nintendo of 2006 to the present that we want them to get stuck out of.

I’m a Nintendo faithful who couldn’t be happier with the decision. Yamauchi was not a gamer, but a business man who lead Nintendo through their true golden years with the NES and SNES. Iwata’s “fun creativity” gave us the Wii and Wii U era. I’m gonna have to say, I’m probably the least biggest fan of Iwata as far as

I know, right? How dare they wear a t-shirt and shorts where it’s hot as hell. The fuck

Even at the time many people dogged on the graphics. It’s just that most of us realized the visuals had to be sacrificed to pull off the open world that they did and the game certainly made up for it in fun factor.

I could have sworn the Nikes came out or were in pre-order for a disgusting amount of money.

>presses record

I swear to god I scanned the whole page before posting that since I figured it would be mentioned in the article so I’m calling edit shenanigans, but I look like a moron either way.


I fuckin love this for whatever reason

There’s very little info aside from the matches being hosted peer to peer. This is generally handled in console shooters by the game choosing the host randomly, by who has the strongest connection, and/or which host will give the best general connection to the rest of the players by region. Splatoon does it one of