a horse running

Kinda reminds me of how in MGS 1 you can punch Meryl, hide in a cardboard box, have wolves piss all over it, and then whenever you wear that specific piss soaked box the wolves won’t attack you. Shit went so hard even back on the Playstation 1.

Give me multiple colors of cloth on sticks and I’ll bend all of the elements for you

Probably because people actually cared about PT. Sorry Jehuty, you can sit on the pantheon with the rest of the generic mechs. 2 was almost there, but still, I’d rather play Omega Boost.

The VC shop could use a lot of work, especially given the breadth of Nintendo’s game history. The pricing structure isn’t exactly up with the times either and makes it difficult to purchase an emulation of some of the older titles.

It’s just so weird and it doesn’t make any sense. They’re struggling so much with the current gen, and they have one of the richest game catalogs in history. Just put two and two together already. Earthbound Beginnings was a great bone to throw us and a good hint of things to come...but so far no followup. The

As a Wii U owner who wants more content on the eshop period, I am all for these types of complaints. Nintendo needs to wake up. I am willing to give them money, but they don’t let me, no matter how ludicrously easy it would be for them.

What, you thought his non-reactions would be less fake than his overreactions? Nice try guy

I can’t stand Trick2G to near anger inducing levels. Still not as bad as the portion of the internet that goes out of its way to be offended by anything that has potential to be offensive, just to type “this is offensive” and then feel morally superior about it. All the while calling somebody else stupid as fuck in

He knows it’s boggling. He said bottling as a joke because the person he responded to literally asked “so was your mind bottled”

Life is Strange

Uh, the timing is coincidental buddy. Riot is the last company that is going to remove the purchase and playability of a champion because of “lore.” If you actually knew Riot or League, you’d understand how batshit insane that notion is. He was suffering from multiple bugs, two of which were gamebreaking. They were

I was about to say....Hover is far and above the most important Windows bundled game in the history of Windows bundled games.

It’s been nothing but a podium where my two Fire Emblem amiibos sit on top and collect dust. Splatoon hype died so quick for me. Much regret every time I look at the corner of my desk and I see the thing. Then memories of the NES and SNES days...and then a big feeling of what the fuck happened Nintendo

His brother is nearly three times the character size bigger. The camera angle from which you play wouldn’t really make sense. The IV drip by the bed wouldn’t really tie in either. Safe to assume you’re playing the kid in a coma from the bite.

The godlike Vectrex also had a kickin analog stick. I swear the Power Glove barely worked but that was over 20 years ago and I was but a child. I think it’s more that if the game wasn’t Super Glove Ball, or made for the glove, it would always make the game more awkward to play. Can’t really blame it for that. But even

Well, whether the Power Glove is a Nintendo creation or not(it isn’t), it wasn’t the first application of motion controls in home gaming anyways. The Atari 2600 for example had a motion controller that used mercury to detect the tilt of the controller, and supposedly it actually worked unlike the Power Glove which

European RE4 took that shit to Criterion level

This forever shall be the greatest chiptune. The writer who laid out the sequence for it opened up a dimensional rift and gained unspeakable knowledge to bend the commodore’s soundchip to his will. It’s also in a washing machine commercial

>I literally know jackshit about this guy outside he’s good looking and from the UK.

Miss Fortune is one of two ADCs that I actually love to play, so I’m super pumped for this event!