a horse running

Well, they got the controller right with the box art at least. The box art that’s in the same picture. The same picture where nothing else is reversed. What the hell

I would like a camera view from behind him so we can see him playing it upside down on his monitor

...and I like it

Amazing Larry!

Sidenote only related because League. Turns out the guy who leaked Ekko was right and the Gangplank remake, along with a minor Miss Fortune update are coming next in July during a Bilgewater event. Another leak from the supposed recent Thunderdome event(think sort of like Riot’s gamejam sort of thing where their

This is the trick with many rhythm minigames. Often times the visual clutter can jumble your mind and get in the way of just listening to the audio cues and tapping when necessary. Lockstep is probably the perfect example of a ludicrously simple rhythm game throwing everybody off. You tap on the beat, you tap off the

Dude, the story in the first game is god awful and is told through the worst eSurance styled graphics imaginable. It’s still one of the best games I’ve played from the last generation. If you’re having apprehensions because of the storyline, don’t. If anything, you should appreciate the laser focused brilliantly

You’ll never realize how you’re equally blowing the situation out of proportion just as much as the petition kids. Care to show me evidence of the same people petitioning against this game and death threats sent to devs? And even so, are you willing to admit that you childishly and ignorantly generalize entire masses

Well...fuck. First the NaisssanceE devs call it quits immediately and now ToT. I mean I’m not surprised by the lack of sales, but I’m surprised at the amount of effort Tale of Tales of all companies went through to make this their breakthrough art hit. They should have known better. Their games are easily some of the

I think the lesson is that people shouldn’t define what a power fantasy is for anybody else but themselves. My personal power fantasy is always the fattest and grossest champions. Like the bizarre joke characters in fighting games or Urgot in League. Dominating with the ugliest pile of garbage is way more fun. God

I’d say so considering it’s gone as far as to be petitioned against even being released, solely because of the use of the Metroid license.

The quality is there but at a horrible dripfeed, and everything you listed, almost arguably including Xenoblade is a sequel in an established franchise. Good quality, but the “stupidly good” are way too few and far between from a company that was unstoppably godlike in my childhood(80’s kid here). I feel like having

“want to know why you get cod and ac every year?” It’s the same reason why in the span of a two and a half year window Nintendo put out New Super Mario Bros 2, New Super Mario Bros U, New Super Luigi U, Super Mario 3D Land, Super Mario 3D World, the fourth Paper Mario, the seventh Mario Kart, the ninth Mario party AND

Well the DMC hatred stemmed from changing the looks of the main character. The gameplay is still DMC and is often argued as the best entry in the series now. This Metroid thing is...I think it goes beyond just changing the look of the main character. I think the franchise name abuse is on a different level.

What was the last “stupidly good” thing that made you instantly forgive Nintendo? Like, I have a Wii U and I think it’s because of stockholme syndrome instead of Nintendo actually impressing me with anything in the past ten years.

Srsly. This must be extra devastating since Double loves his Vayne, and it’s going to be hard to tumble on time with your pinky shredded.

“what better way to do so then through spin-offs to get people in the door on some level?”

I am so happy I was there for the stream all day long yesterday. That FF7 Remake moment followed immediately by Mike Huber’s brain and heart melting at the Shenmue 3 announcement...just pure gaming bliss. I teared up as he began to weep

The Nintendo Seal of Approval is actually a symbol of one of Nintendo’s darkest times controlling the industry and how many copies of a game were allowed to be produced. It has absolutely nothing to do with “quality”(two seconds looking at the NES library all packing the Seal of Approval will show you this), and

Now that’s a Telltale season I’d pre-order now