a horse running

That’s the point. Everybody’s just wondering if they’ll say they added Ryu because of his popularity in the poll. If they do, that sentiment would be pure bullshit, because they were already working on him prior to people voting him up. The poll can still lead to more characters, especially since it doesn’t end til

Well if they say they added Ryu because of the poll, we’ll know it was bullshit.

They’re all great games to me, even the questionable earlier entries. Revenge just had my favorite levels and the super car checking that made you feel like a monster on the road.

Stand down Paradise, for this is the true king of arcade racers when the burnt rubber settles.

I hung my head in shame because I got this joke

Well, yeah. Have you seen that controller? I love the feel of it and everything, but that is probably the kiddiest controller if there ever was one. Even had the giant obvious A button that everything circled around and the oddly microscopic d-pad, most certainly not designed for grown up hands. But ironically enough,

Because sneaking out is in essence breaking a form of grounding to begin with. Like, “You left the house when you weren’t supposed to, so as punishment, you’re not supposed to leave the house!” I know not being allowed to leave at night isn’t on the same level as not being able to leave ever. It just tickled me a bit.

You’re taking it way too literally. It’s just lighthearted irony in the statement of grounding a child who knows how to sneak out. Not the literal example of a child being punished for going out too late. Given the rest of the impression I get from the posts here, I don’t blame you for reacting and posting as you did.

I was just tickled by the irony of grounding someone for sneaking out in your example. To be fair, from the sounds of it she had repeated warnings in the past, and I doubt this was the very first form of punishment administered. Plus, having a kid’s hair cut as a punishment isn’t anything new to me nor do I find it

I love that your deterrent for sneaking out is to ground them. I’m pretty sure they figured out the solution to that one many steps ahead of you.

Oh man, that’s deep. All of us who clicked this link and discussed the title have no free will. “It” worked people. “IT” worked!

And then we’ll all blame the developers for being the ones trying so hard! Those fucks! Always shoving it into our faces about how edgy their game is, despite it being only us who are constantly shoving this game into people’s faces.

As long as we can concede that you pretty much have to resort to killing the cops now and again, and that you have the option to be a significantly worse human being who actually has intelligence and is okay with murdering hookers after using them. And I hate to say it, but to most people out there, GTA is that game.

Funny Games is incredible. One of the few times where I would recommend the US remake over the original. It having the original director certainly helps.

I’d say I slaughtered about a thousand cops during missions simply doing their jobs. Then I parked around the corner, had a hooker give me head, and then I stabbed her to death to get the money back. It’s a classic example, but it’s all true.

It’s funny you mention that, because as I’m playing through this right now it feels in every way a modern remake of Postal 1 to the tiniest aspect including gameplay, perspective, and level goals. People forget that Postal 1 is not a funny game. Nearly 2 decades prior, it had executions just like Hatred does, and it

So I picked it up and there is no way this game is deserving of the ridiculously childish never ending waterfall of hatred towards it. There are way more violent and psychologically disturbing games than this like Spec Ops The Line. Even the executions couldn’t hold a candle to Gears or particularly Manhunt. Hell, in

Yeah, had a brainfart.

Sorry, I misread the context. It read to me more as “aw man, it’s never super sonic!” in a disappointed manner.

Super Saiyan did come first years before Super Sonic though