a horse running

“And if you think about it, its even more damning than it looks because traffic density in the UK and Japan is much higher than the US.”

It’s going down. CoD1 rifles only DM_Harbor

Damn. Way to diss on the first two entries.

Yeah, you should tell their black president about that.

Wait, why would we cherish it? That would imply that we actually care about soccer to begin with.

Soma will be a guaranteed winner this year. Alien Isolation was also one of the better stealth experiences in forever long. And a relevant oldie but goodie Thief: Deadly Shadows

Not only is that the right decision, it allows us to at least agree on the bottom of the list.

OH NO YOU DIDN’T! Seriously though, I’m surprised it would be on the bottom of anybody’s list, but that’s how it goes

should’ve watched porco rosso instead

lmfao who the hell keeps doing this? Can’t wait for the follow up story about fired customer service employee

Tell everyone they need to watch a mandatory gameplay video of both Murkey and Abathur, and the tutorial isn’t over until they also “try” Murkey and Abathur on the shop so they understand the concept. Then....objectives.

Well no, it’s still incredibly bad if you’re a digital gamer. Now of course external memory is a go to for the next generation of digital gamers, but let’s look at it in the example where none is involved, and it’s purely the systems to give a concept of the difference in proportionality. Must play upcoming Wii U game

Oh man, whatever you do, don’t be critical around this guy. He’ll get annoyed!

Nah, the hanger is where we keep all of the turrents locked up

I hope the latest U2 album self installs with 10 as well! And cancer! I’d love it if my tower just seeped cancer into my room the moment I subscribe to Windows kthx

This is all I’ve been thinking about since I heard the news! The fact that it was Ned Flanders who delivered that line is just so perfect. That joke panned out in ways they never thought would happen.

Of course it had to be the kid with the Power Glove to become a registered sex offender

Agreed, except for the part when you shat on cats.

Just the way I like ‘em!

And I would date an adorable cat lady. But the rest of the world Tina. The rest of the world...