Just be happy you’re not a single male with a cat in an apartment. Seriously.
Just be happy you’re not a single male with a cat in an apartment. Seriously.
They really do. But then again the best boss I ever had was the sweetest thing in the world to everybody, and got more work done than 10 bitches stacked together with power tools. She even worked through her cancer treatment because the company used the shit out of her. So hey, I guess getting stuff done and being a…
Last we heard was that the dragon Ao Shin was put on the backburner until likely next year, because they couldn’t figure out the right kit for the champion. So yeah, don’t expect to fly around as a dragon anytime soon. You can crawl around in Shyvana dragon form though. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Yes, he had the visual rework, but Riot has been discussing the change to his E and a couple other light kit changes for over a year now. It’s probably happening next if our leaker is to be trusted.
Just found out it was confirmed to not be Singed by Meddler from Riot.
What the fuck...a Nintendo fan from the 64 era that’s actually aware of how disappointing things have become at Ninty? See, I’m from the NES era and got to experience Nintendo at their godlike unstoppable era where they got every game and pushed technology instead of holding it back for gimmicks(FX chip anyone?). So I…
This might confirm that Gangplank rework is coming next. The guy who leaked Ekko down to his look, name, and ability to rewind time also said the Gangplank rework would be next.
It was already confirmed by a Riot post that it is not Urgot, but somebody else who has been augmented with noxian tech. It wouldn’t bother me too much if it was the Urgot rework, even as an Urgot main that wants him to stay disgusting. It reminds me of this youtube video where a guy draws League of Legends characters…
Looks more like a Sion skin to me where he smashes a giant arm instead of swinging an axe. The jaw and face are the same. Singed already has Augmented Singed skin that’s different, but close enough to this video that it would be incredibly redundant.
Except for black babies. They seem to be consistently adorable.
Had Act 1 downloaded when it came out and still haven’t touched the thing. Definitely going to make some time for it this weekend. So much shit is in my way game, TV, book, and movie wise. :|
Lol nah I’m gonna say MC Ride doesn’t roll well with the classic Thomas the Dank Engine remix. I feel like Death Grips is really the only band where the guy makes sense. I wish Zach would work on some more Hella material instead.
First of all, that’s an incredibly ignorant statement to make. Second of all, I’m not sure why you would focus on one market in a discussion about the overall lifespan of a console. That’s also incredibly ignorant. One market does not dictate a console’s lifespan. Precious Japan would have murdered the XBOX lineup a…
This totally goes both ways though from personal experience. I was an 80’s child who grew up with Nintendo consoles, but I was fortunate enough to have both the N64 and the PSX simultaneously thanks to my folks and my aunt. My friends, however, stuck with strictly the N64 and that was it. Guess what they still do to…
Sadly Everybody’s Gone to Rapture is not multiplat because Sony ponied up the cash to make it happen. It deserves to be on PC given the history of the genre and developers behind it, but what can you do? It’s a true exclusive, but I wouldn’t expect much research or logic from your end. No Man’s Sky is timed exclusive…
“Many people in 5 years will still be playing the Wii U, just those people are the ones that don’t seem to have a narrow taste in games.”
If I’m getting hyped for the PS5 then most assuredly I would still be playing a PS4. Wii U will not be on the docket.
Unfortunately for the Wii U, the PS4 has way longer legs on it. We’ll still be playing PS4 five years from now.
That’s just it though. If Nintendo had the foresight to stop living in their own ridiculous world and put out a console with comparable power, it wouldn’t have received ports of old games sometimes with stripped features. If you put out a console that’s nearly a generation’s power behind, you’re not going to get a…