What’s the story with Silent Hills?
What’s the story with Silent Hills?
Best use of ass has to go to Papers Please, because you can hide stuff in it
You forgot a line about forcing sexism onto the topic but you’re not far off.
It’s more fun in the way Dark Souls is fun
I too got intense Evil Dead 1 vibes from this makeup job. Surprisingly creepy.
There are some opinions that, despite knowing full well it’s just an opinion, makes you lose respect for somebody. This is one of those times.
I never played Nutz and Bolts, and on one hand, that is a blatant slap to the face of the fans. Very similar to the announcement of Conker in Project Spark. They know that’s not what we want but they’re doing it anyways. But on the other hand, I’ve heard that if you strip away the Banjo and Kazooie betrayal, it’s…
Yeah my last BK Taco memory is about ten years ago as well. So as I started typing this I used my Google-Fu and found out that it is still an active item, but only at few participating restaurants, and they note that despite it not being on the official website anymore, it still exists. So yeah, it’s one of those…
Oh fuck that. I’m still buying them, that’s just how good these games have been. Buttfuck that.
It’s funny, because immediately after completing Yoshi’s New Island I booted up the original just to see whether the original really is better, or if I have just become jaded by 2D platformers after doing them for 30 years. Uh no, the new games are just soulless. The original still holds up in every single way. A…
Atlus has put out more dubious and questionable physical collector’s editions than for a solidly popular franchise like Attack on Titan.
Hawken is a sad story. That game would have been an ace premium experience. But the cancer of F2P rears its ugly head again to make great games annoying and grindy just to get at our dollars when Hawken is the type of game that would have worked just asking us for money up front once. Oh well, carry on carry on my F2P…
SMW2:Yoshi’s Island is my favorite Mario by far, and is super underrated thanks to megabehemoths like SMW1 and SMB3 overshadowing the 2D series. Every single Yoshi’s platformer after is hot garbage, and I’ve played them all up to Yoshi’s New Island. Don’t do it. Whoever they have making their New SMB and New Yoshi’s…
Yeah I had the same hopes. But sadly, they just won’t keep it buried. Egh...dropped 70 bucks on that game back in the day for a horrendously tedious collectathon that made me realize Rare’s best days were behind them, and mediocrity was ahead.
I forgot all about that. I don’t think they sell that in the states anymore, but I definitely remember BK Tacos from way back.
“Who decides the intent? The person doing the act? Or the people observing the act? And who has final say?”
Sorry, I'm human and can be a bitch sometimes. One of those days.
Yeah nobody is going to read that post. You're crazy for even bothering. Sorry you don't get jokes and then reduce them to generic sexism. I wish I was you.
"There's nothing about revenge or reparations for past fucks about it"