a horse running

Creepo. If the point is the joke and you don't get the joke, you don't get the point.

"Oh. I guess you're right. Did not catch that one at all. Weird.

I didn't even know such a talent existed, but this guy is the king of posing figurines. Perfect shots!

I unfortunately didn't get to play OP Murky as I didn't get a beta key until a few months ago and had to save up dem golds to buy him literally the day he was nuked with nerfs. I figured, shit, this is the worst he's going to be anyways, so it'll only get better for me. That time reduction on the channel for

Murky is much better than most give him credit because he requires a different type of playstyle. He's the most fragile glass cannon in the game, but you have to be aggressive and on top of people to do proper damage. That's typically the opposite of how any champion is designed, and couldn't be any less intuitive.

I believe that when you die, even if it's to a neutral jungle camp, the enemy team gains xp. So yeah, feeding is absolutely in Heroes. They have to put in mechanics like each of Murky's deaths only counting as a quarter of a death to compensate for this, and his unique playstyle.

Don't be that guy

Ren and Stimpy's Powdered Toast Man. One of my favorite Ren and Stimpy anythings is this episode featuring this character and the pope voiced by Frank Zappa.

To be fair, it's impossible to surpass the light gun perfection that is House of the Dead 2

My thoughts exactly! I got my hopes up for a split second before reading the headline.

Your interactions with Reggie are the absolute best! You guys have the best interview rapport in the industry, and it's good to have somebody nudge Nintendo a little bit now and again.

Hey Geoff, I love the stuff you've always done over at GT. Bonus Round is something I look forward to every week and have for nearly a decade now. I especially appreciate that you continue to contribute to that site as a long time fan. Thanks for reigning back the Game Awards for the core audience, I look forward to

Whaaa there's a current Great Teacher Onizuka tv show going on right now? Gimme dem translations.

Of course this cosplayer wants you to rock this as your desktop. They would be proud if you did. They didn't go through this amount of money and work and the professional photoshoot with max photoshopping and then posting it publically on the internet NOT FOR US TO LOOK AT. And I'm speaking as a cosplayer who loves it

Mike's Pies nails the perfect balance here. The filling is light and fluffy, with a taste that starts subtle and builds mellifluously in one's mouth, rather than punching you in the mouth with its nuts.

Well shit, since you know what you're talking about, and you have rts micro history with starcraft and group binding, why don't you go and 1v5 the pro circuit with that advantage? I mean you just tab through all of the abilities. It'll be easy as pie. There's nothing else more to it.

I'm definitely surprised with the placement of New Blood. That's a major fan favorite sequel if not the fan favorite sequel. Yeah, the ending is god awful and it's a weird as hell Friday with the kinetic powers, but there's just something about it.

Well hey, if you decide to get one, you should grab two and sell me the other. I've been trying to get one of these for a fair price for the longest time.

"They seem so boring, and you win by reading about min/max and faithfully executing. Like, it's not a strategy genre, it's point and click."

Well when you use cheats to do it, yeah, it is. I'm not sure what's so difficult to get here.