I can't wait to shave my head like Kool Doctor Money!
I can't wait to shave my head like Kool Doctor Money!
They don't. Are you fucking insane?
Well shit, as long as there's a ghost ghostbusters, I don't mind one bit.
Well, we didn't have liftoff, but we do have breakfast!
Thanks for the tip. I've been looking for some cheap alternatives to Estes rocket fuel
The entire article is about how people are displeased with the graphics of this game. Where is your comment even coming from? lol
God, the duke is such an absolute shit controller. Yeah, I know, there's always that guy who praises the duke because he has the hands of gigantor, but let's be real. The fuck were they thinking?
There are some situations, though, like precision first person shooting where you don't necessarily want gradation of movement. Moving the same distance per a keystroke helps when tuning your muscle memory to corner headshots and the like. In fact, this is why I deeply appreciate the digital inputs beneath the pads.…
What if it's the utter wrongness and weirdness of anal sex that is key to me enjoying it? Oh, and I do mean receiving as well.
'nuff said
"What's with the weird dark lines around the pupil?"
Of course the jump scares make them laugh once it's over, it's like the textbook reaction to being jump scared while in public/in front of others. You jump, then you laugh, and optionally slap the person scaring you. I think I see some genuine tension in some of these players(they even admit to it verbatim at the…
Ooohh, so you do have reading comprehension issues. Not only is that not what the OP posited, but I wasn't white knighting anybody. I was simply calling you out for being a bitch, because that's all you accomplish. Keep saying goodnight, but then come right back to post to me ;]
Lol considering I never even said a thing about female harassment, you either argue so much you can't keep your shit together, or you're just going on as a mindless sexist because you think acting retarded counts as trolling. Either way, you lose.
I'm sorry, I didn't realize you lacked standard reading comprehension. That certainly explains a lot, though. lol Enjoy being miserable.
Doin it before Space Jam
So if your recommendation against posting an uneducated comment just to criticize is to fuck off and go whine on reddit, why don't you practice what you preach? I'm a woman by the way. Keep on bitchin'
That's some nice shitposting you got there. "I don't actually have anything reasonable to say or add, so I'm just going to call you an asshole and a moron and then the generalize the worldview of gamers" Bravo. Probably the least intelligent post I've seen all month ironically attempting to slam somebody for their…
Yeah why don't you bring out the nearly finished Fear Effect you guys cancelled you soulless monstrous pieces of crap
That reminds me, I need to grab a Big Mike at Michael Alone after I swing by the ol Seven Seven after work today.