a horse running

Rusty's Real Deal Baseball.

This shit should be illegal.

I haven't watched the video yet, but I have played this game back when it came out. Going to the roof to see the creepy guy reveals a shit ton of exposition in the game, and is more accurately the "proper" ending I would say. Either way, there is no feel good ending, but there is more to the creepy guy and the

Final Fight is the greatest beat em up ever! The mayor's daughter has been kidnapped....so he hires himself to dish out piledrivers and spinning fists across the city to justice. Sometimes Guy and Cody tag along.


Hey, I thought the voice acting was fine. And the dialog, along with the game as a whole, is a late 90's throwback. It takes place in modern time, but in a town that very much feels stuck in time, in autumn of all things. So the dated slang it throws around actually worked for me. The game just overwhelms me with


I remember my reason for playing Driver was because it was the closest thing to a realized 3D open world GTA for its time. You couldn't get out of the car, and you couldn't kill the pedestrians, but the feeling was there. And then Rockstar went and made a real one years later, and the Driver series in general became

Your list pretty much matches mine. Just add Burnout Revenge and maybe one of the F-Zero games and that's about as racey as it gets around here.

So what is it exactly that you plan on doing with these anyways? I've been interested in these insofar as the gimmick of this tiny portable cardlike linux machine but am always curious to see what everybody else is coming up with.

But that is one of the phenomena that I listed. It's also not a story centric game and is randomized, so the experience will be different from the LP. Same applies to multiplayer focused titles, racers, fighting games, essentially anything with little to no story. These won't be affected nearly as much, if at all, and

Look, the reality is that the Amnesia/FNAF's phenomena are VERY few and far between. I am living proof that LPs lose devs money. I have watched more LPs than I can remember where I was interested in the game, but just experienced the whole thing on youtube and didn't give the devs a dime for the work they put into it.

Jesus, everything about that single sentence is vomit inducing.

True. My situation would end up with a thwarting spin attack. I'd be a pretty good cartoon head henchmen

/checks Link's armor

If there's one thing I've gathered from this, it's that my fellow Koreans love ripping off MC Escher

Something tells me Asia even had the whole classroom full of cell phones thing going on before everybody else.

And if you want Mario to fly high in the sky, you'd best get him some of that magic leaf

but it was a dick made of swastikas.

It's about as stupid a fucking thing to do as generalizing swaths of human beings.