a horse running

I read the topic properly, but it's still one of the largest shitfests of a post title that I've seen in some time.

I don't know what series you played, but the iso/top-down camera was super consistent for about two decades.

Then perhaps you have no interests in being fair.

I always make the joke that McAfee should advertise on the box "It'll murder your viruses!"

Sidenote, Alien: Isolation was my favorite triple A title of the year, and I should have included that in my original post of examples.

YES! Absolutely! I think it's a total shame that the label of "walking simulator" is used derogatorily, as they have been the most engaging experiences I've had this year. Gone Home was another huge one that, along with Dear Esther, really got the ball rolling. And wouldn't you know it? On a topic about female

While you are especially correct with triple A titles, we both know the actual list of games not featuring bro-men is quite large, and shouldn't be so quickly dismissed. The stride towards more diverse characters, and more engaging female protagonists feels like it has already begun. But I have little interests in

Man, if you don't think we're already way beyond that, you aren't even trying. You're just cherry picking generic triple A action(of which Tomb Raider and Bayonetta also exist) and forgetting about a million other games. My favorite titles this year for example are NaissanceE, Eidolon, and The Talos Principle. Two of

It can join the exclusive pantheon of barely acceptable game adaptation films like Hitman, and Postal.

That's what I love about the Super Mario Bros movie, despite knowing full well just how shit it is. It tried to put some of the game concepts into reality, and unlike the colorful fun world of Mario, it's the gritty dark otherworld of New York after Bowser has already taken over. It turned out to be more interesting

Yeah, still can't compare to Kentucky Route Zero. Nice try, generic post apocalyptic guy.

A game so good that it shouldn't possibly exist.

Now playing

Well if you think that about the title, you should check out the game

So judging by all of the top ten lists I'm seeing, I'm the only person who played NaissanceE

Nah, it's red and green. The green is pretty dark and more of a forest green, but those are the colors he dons in the films. Check out the third film in particular if you feel like revisiting your old friend Freddy.

I love this entry. It's cheesy, it's badass, it's an LJN specific Freddy Sweaty. Plus it's an ugly sweater of a dude wearing an ugly sweater. And to those saying Freddy isn't in keeping with the holiday spirit, they need to look at the very thing on Freddy that is at the center of this contest. His iconic red and

Fantastic game. Great to see them enjoying themselves after that harrowing experience.

This made me laugh even harder. I'm so glad this article exists.

To be fair, your very avatar is of a murderer. One of my favorites in gaming history. Utterly brutal and mentally disturbed character. On a similar note, Hatred has that modern day exploitation/grindhouse kind of angle that I think I'll have fun with until I grow bored of the shmup mechanics. It's just so absolutely

It looks like a generic twin shooter at the worst, but some care did go into the presentation. The visuals and physics were done particularly well for a team of like 8 people. Shitty seems harsh without playing it yet.