a horse running

Dude, John Romero's severed head IS in this sculpture!

Give him the ol' snowjob

This post is the definition of childishly trying to start something just to do it.

These things are incredibly disingenuous. Nintendo 64 kid was legit, an overreaction in an era where we didn't try to make money overreacting. This, down to labelling the videos as live reactions w/ face cam and showing a giant screaming face for the thumbnail. I wish we didn't promote loud obnoxiousness for views.

That actually made me laugh out loud a good bit. Thank you.

Uh, no. What are you, an IDIOT? You're supposed to walk into some food to heal your wounds ya big dum dum!

I am beyond ecstatic that Leo is back doing some more videos. These make me happier than you could possibly understand. It takes a lot to make me laugh out loud obnoxiously, and Leo just has the formula down for my comedic senses. This video was effective in making my day :]

the fuck am I looking at

Considering my taste buds are actually capable of discerning the difference between whiteout and regular mountain dew I'm gonna say you might be the literally tasteless one.

Oh you. Nobody cares about you.

Whoah...WHOAH! Whiteout is by far the greatest thing to come out of mountain dew ever, and I don't care if it snubbed your favorite flavor. We needed Whiteout.

Some of us knew...some of us knew

Goddamnit man, how does America manage to fuck this up of all things? No, seriously. I want jalapeno mac n cheese. I want chicken and waffles to come back to me... ;_;

"Also with how bitterly toxic and unhinged people related to games have been this year, I really wouldn't take that as an empty threat."

They are the real victims here.

Having a house cat shit outside is actually pretty common.

You know, honestly, given what the guy has posted, he does seem purely for journalistic balance and integrity and doesn't seem to care about the dramatic baggage that follows. You should try refuting his points intellectually instead of sidestepping them so weakly. Where is the strength and maturity in your side of

Crazy...kind of makes the game all the more intriguing. Much like films like Melancholie Der Engel, it's fascinating to see something so utterly batshit insane and evil made by those who are potentially evil themselves. Depraved artwork of the sick soul.


No lie, that picture really does look badly drawn and colored. Some would say it looks like total ass