a horse running

"At no point did I say things were exactly the same, but yes, this situation does mirror the situation over there"

When did I say people in America couldn't complain? My post is clearly about the sentence that this "mirrors" the extremism found in the middle east. It does not. It's peanuts. It's petty. It's childish in comparison, not a mirror. Both situations are messed up regardless, but if the OP wants to compare it to the

I'm not outraged, I'm baffled by your comparison in its sheer ignorance. You said that this situation mirrors the extremism perpetuated against women in the middle east, and I am here to put that statement into perspective. As if Anita would even have a chance to speak to begin with if this was the middle east. Don't

Seriously? You're comparing a bomb threat that lead to nothing to extremism in the middle east where women who get raped are the ones stoned to death? Where women are forced into military marriage repeatedly just to be fucked and abused? The fact that this even gets upvotes is mindblowing. People in the western world

Ah Shaco, the trolliest champ in the game. Long Live Korea

If by went Hollywood you mean it actually got a script that was beyond typical high fantasy tropes and combined levels of political, social, and spiritual issues on a global scale that hadn't been seen in the series up til that point, then sure. Not sure if Hollywood is the right comparison, though.

What the...but aren't you OUTRAGED that she's being objectified and overly sexualized?! That's not allowed! BTW did you see that they made Spiderwoman's ass sexy? How could they! Bayonetta and Spiderwoman's ass are making all of us mindless wife beating misogynists...and you're part of the problem!

Yeah it was much more noticeable on the virtual console titles. I find myself using my 2DS the most because it just feels right. With the slate style, it holds like the true evolution of the original Game Boy lineup before we went into clamshell hell. Honestly I wish we could have a large 3D screen option but in the

Ohhhh my gyaaaaad it's a wood grain faceplate!! I have to have it! I wish it didn't have the stupid icons all over it, but until plain wood comes out it'll do.

Just like devilmaycare I've been using my 2DS the most, and I've owned every version of the 3DS thus far(and I mean ambassador "I wasted 250 dollars on day one" every version). The problem with the big screen is while it's double in size, the resolution is not, and it is also being stretched twice as much. The smaller

Pretty badass job if I do say so myself. Not sure why he decided to stay super anonymous behind a screen name and censored faces though.

What was so great about that was pirates were clearly playing the on disc dlc before anybody else could even buy it. All that dlc did was hurt the normal consumer base even more.

Well it's more like Sports Entertainment for me, and yeah I really loved the arcade games. Wrestlemania The Arcade Game in particular was fucking insane. It's pretty much Mortal Kombat: WWF and it's so cheesy you just can't help but have fun. WrestleFest was also great. Neon yellow Hulk Hogan phase, massive sprites,

I don't care where you stand on the stupid high heels thing, that picture has significantly stronger sexist implications than her heels ever did. But this won't get blown out of proportion or spoken about after this. Go figure.

Hey now, that Mega Man announcement was the best thing about that game.

Besides the infinitely entertaining create a character modes, I resent this era of wrestling games. This is when they stopped being fun over the top games and turned into slow plodding ugly grappling games. At least we got All Stars the one time.

That's why it's the best board game. It shows the true power of money and what it can do to you and the people closest to you even when it's fake

I used to play the ever loving crap out of Ren and Stimpy Space Madness despite it being brutally difficult like all licensed GB platformers...But getting to hear an actual voice recording of Ren say "You eeediot!" at that time, especially on GB, was fucking crazy.

Here's to Robocop

Not gonna lie, that rendition of A Whole New World was a lot better than it deserved to be.