God what were they thinking
God what were they thinking
I remember reading that Miyamoto gave Mario a mustache to help define his nose/face in the zero bit days. Looks like he did that trick on the sheriff first
Yeah I actually was talking about the one where they're in the high school, but I noticed this newer fanvideo and thought it was good for a laugh. There's more of it too on the guy's channel. The video I linked is the second one actually...there's a prologue video and other entries, but it looks like he didn't finish…
Ahaha this is so crazy. YES I remember following Remothered when there was nothing but scraps for years! And YES that Wonderswan port was Wondershite. But I still loved it because they tried to faithfully recreate the visuals of the original saying fuck all to the hardware and overall screen quality. Seriously, it's…
HOLY SHIT! I just noticed your icon is the Scissorman! Clock Tower 1(The Famicom one, but I do love the PSX games) is my favorite horror game of all time. Waaaay ahead of its time...games like Amnesia owe a lot to its design. I actually own a Wonderswan and one game because of the port of Clock Tower, and it's still…
Psht, and they couldn't even do us the service of finding anything Half Life 3 related
Even crazier, this game had a total of 8 people working on it, and only ONE programmer. Fucking phenomenal to think of when you complete the game.
I went into this game blind and didn't have to backtrack a single time. In fact, I was kinda let down in the sense that I thought it would be a much more open world experience like Eidolon, but it's surprising just how linear it all is. I think I got lucky in some respect, because in the end of the game it clearly…
Teabagging has nothing to do with which team is winning or losing
That's a shame to hear he missed the astronaut. That's one of the easiest things to do, and it has the single greatest visual payoff out of all the "optional" quests...though Cthulhu farm takes a close second. Fantastic game
It's a shame a Hotline Miami movie never got off the ground. The papercraft style actually works for it. It reminds me of a Liquid Television short.
Sounds like another poorly optimized console to pc port.
Close enough!
Holy fucking SHIT! That's insane! That game must be horrendously optimized, because there's no way the trailers are indicating that it should even come close to requiring those kinds of stats.
As long as you have a PC, and a PS4 or XBOX One, nobody should be judging you. But if all you have is the Wii U, it's free reign to hardcore judge for all of the obvious reasons.
Oh that is just so adorable that I want to punch it in the face through the stroller
But it did have key cards and labyrinthian areas. Two spots in particular gave me some trouble. It's evolutionary in its modernization of the series, apparent in its story delivery and more cohesive feeling progression, but still maintained the feeling of Doom for me. I actually revisited it recently with the BFG…
This post rock just isn't climactic enough for me.