
Serious question here: Does “under oath” really mean anything to these guys? He could just pull the same robotic shit he pulled for the Fox News interview. Then it is still he said, she said. And, we know where the Republicans would fall on that one.

I was just going to say that I, a regular guy in my mid 40s, nearly busted out sobbing, but held it in while tears streamed down my face. What the heck? Wow, I’m quite the nostalgic and sentimental fool... but, I like it that way. Will seriously take my 11 year old boy to see this.

Keith Richards once said that brown liquor will kill you. He only drinks white liquor now. That’s how I’m living and making it through the trump years. Lots of white liquor - vodka, rum, ouzo, everclear, whatevers....

Witch Cunt?

I thought PR meant that his fucking father’s administration would finally do something about Puerto Rico - but, then, I’m a human with empathy.

The Gronk horse was #69, right?

This is brilliant - and nearly has me in tears. For me, this is the beautiful game. This is football. This is soccer. This is fair play. This is what makes being a human being special. It brings hope to a world so that is lacking decency and love for one another.

I want more beers. :(

+++ for the Jodorowsky!

I am more and more convinced there should be secession. Give the red states to these folks and let them call themselves the Confederate States... the blues and some of the purples can make up the United Democratic States. Make this happen... enough of the BS. Let these ignorant people live with their filth, evil, and

Republicans gotta Republican. Amirite?

Guys like Pruitt and others in this administration shouldn’t be worried about having a bulletproof car or anything. Rather, they should fear the pitchforks and guillotine.

They are covering the March today, right? Hahahaha just kidding.

The bigger question besides the obvious racism of ALL Republicans, is why the fuck is she a Republican? SERIOUSLY. We are in 2018.

True story: An ex-girlfriend, years ago, liked to refer to her genatialia as her “woo woo.”

Nice Smiths reference... ;)

They are - even at my son’s elementary and middle school. Fuck the GOP and all they stand for.

I see a pattern here - yep, all of those fuckers has an “R” next to their name. ASSHOLES!

My paycheck is now $125 lighter each month... solely to give to Ryan’s rich overlords. Fuck him and all the GOP.