Andréa Moore

I thought Jorah was in some kind of leper colony for people with greyscale that's run by the maesters.

Either the Golden Girls theme or the Diff'eent Strokes theme.

Oh man, what a great way to end a good, but frustrating season. I'm glad Hailey and Rodrigo finally slept together so we can move on. I think there will be some conflict between the two next season though. I feel like professionally, Hailey wants to be more independent, but romantically, she wants to be with Rodrigo.

I really hope Bill turns into a vampire Tom Cruise. This is the only thing that would make me happy about him still being alive and Sookie and Eric not being together.

I really hope Bill turns into a vampire Tom Cruise. This is the only thing that would make me happy about him still being alive and Sookie and Eric not being together.

So Glad
I'm really happy you guys covered this show. I caught a rerun earlier this summer and fell in love. A few weeks ago, I was watching the show and my little sister asked what it was about. When I explained it to her and gave her some of the facts I'd learned, she called me a nerd and didn't understand why

the two earths
When their planet came in to orbit with Earth and everyone was looking around terrified and intrigued, it definitely reminded me of the trailer for Lars Von Trier's upcoming film Melancholia.

My stray observations…
1. Freddy Rodriguez looks just as young as he did in Six Feet Under. Every time I see him, it's like he hasn't aged at all.

Peter and Olivia's memory
I guess I just believed that Olivia forgot all about the cortexiphan trials b/c they told me she did. I also believed Peter couldn't remember being taken b/c he was deathly ill, again b/c the show said so. After this episode, I can't believe that at all. Olivia wanted so badly to stay at the

A Few Notes
I'm surprised you didn't point out the part with the old man walking past them as they waited in the hospital. I thought it was a really good point to make: having a colonoscopy is a marker of age for men and they're seeing their eventual future shuffle right by them.

The biggest let down in history.
I feel like Nina Garcia is just getting to old to be involved with anything having to do with hip new fashion. As a somewhat fashion-forward girl in her mid-20s, I've been surprised by some of Nina's decisions. Things that I thought were dated and boring, she loved and things I thought

While I agree that Tim Gunn's "It Gets Better" video is quite profound and inspirational, he had to have made it after all the Project Runway stuff. The PR fashion week runway happened Sept. 9, so Tim visiting the families would have occurred before this. Dan Savaged launched the "It Gets Better" project on Sept. 21

What a difference 6 weeks makes
Heidi's hair at the runway show was some much better than it has been all season. I 'm so glad she got rid of the light taupe overgrown pageboy look.