
En parte tiene que ver con el desarrollador al cual Disney le dio los derechos, que en esta caso es DICE. Y bueno, lamentablemente DICE no tiene mucho background con respecto a RPG’s, ya que quitando a Mirror’s Edge (acción-aventura) no ha hecho mucho fuera de Battlefield lamentablemente.

Exactly how I feel about KF’s. I can’t believe some of the opinions and/or complaints in this article.

“I don’t like dying in jumping puzzles.” That could’ve sum up Stephen point of views pretty much.

Sin mencionar que me da mucha mucha risa la gente que comenta sobre los tatuajes como algo “hipster”, jajajajaja. What on Mars are you talking about?!

No lo criticó hasta que no lo vea en pantalla. Difícil juzgar hasta el look del personaje con solo una imagen lanzada por ahora. Imagen que ni tan siquiera tiene un traje que pueda complementar al look general que le dieron a este Joker. Por ahora este take mas psicopata me llama la atención.

I still go back in between other games. 2 legendary ships to go, that and online trophies to get the platinum. In my opinion, it’s the best AC to date, bar none. It is a GREAT GREAT game. I always recommend it to my friends, it should in the “must play” list of everyone.

Everything that removes yet another unnecessary trip to the tower is always welcomed. The ability to complete most of the bounties at once, was sorely needed.

Diablo III UEE, Destiny and Velocity2X for me this month, and maybe finish up the AC4 platinum.

I am on the same boat lately. One of the points in your article, it's basically the reason why I've kept my subscription to WoW on and off for almost a decade. Nothing like going back to a character or world you spent serious time on. I enjoy good and short games (Child of Light has been a highlight this year) but

It was hard, sure. Annoying at times? (Pawne lvl6) you bet your white behind it was. Impossible to do? No.