Ahmed Shaban

I found this HP Mini, and I think that it is between $250 & $300 on Amazon. It comes with Windows 7 Starter.

I would like to thank everyone for the Wii & PS3 game suggestions and having to deal with my multiple posts. I have ordered Fragile Dreams, Zelda Twilight Princess and the Sly Cooper Collection. I will get a few games when I pick up my copy of the Last Story and I will pick up more games in September. It will be a

Story is important, but I can forgive a game for poor or lack of story if the gameplay makes up for it. Also, what are your thoughts on Skyward Sword?

Thank you very much on the link and advice. I should be able to pick up a few more PS3 and Wii games by waiting until 2014 to get the Wii U. That should give me more time to enjoy the PS3. I admit that I find it odd that I have collection of games without console, but it is only until November :)

I will have to buy Okami new at online store because gamestop only has used copies.

I will add Kilzone 2 and Resistance 3 to the list because I love Half Life 2.

Thanks. I will definitely add Valkyria Chronicles to the list. I have played the Portal games on PC and have been thinking of getting the PC version on Alice. I will look into inFamous 1 and 2, but try them on gamefly.

Three years ago, I couldn't decide on which console to buy. Therefore, I decided to wait until I could judge each console on their games. I decided in December of last year that I would buy a ps3 in 2012 and possibly a Wii or Wii U (depending on the price) in 2013. I was also able to get a some great deals on games in

Three years ago, I couldn't decide on which console to buy. Therefore, I decided to wait until I could judge each console on their games. I decided in December of last year that I would buy a ps3 in 2012 and possibly a Wii or Wii U (depending on the price) in 2013. I was also able to get a some great deals on