Ahmad Mahn

Sorry, the sixth graders still won’t want to date you

You’re 100% right. I assumed vehicle/aircraft was the topic, reacted too soon and with lame snark. Apologies.

There is this weird American attitude that I have yet to encounter somewhere else that if you are from a traditionally cold place, the cold shouldn’t bother you, and like Marshall and Robin in HIMYM, you should be able to wear shorts and eat ice cream in the middle of a blizzard. I remember pulling on my big down coat

And if a woman did this, and women do all the time, she would be ether “abused or mentally ill” here on Jezebel.

Stop right there. First off, it doesn’t say who broke up with whom, so let’s not assume. Secondly, I know this is Jezebel, but let’s not allow our immediate reaction to a tragedy be to use it to further our own ideologies. I mean, you’re not wrong, but that’s not the point; in the wake of a tragedy, it’s natural to

Your argument is kind of pointless, man. You’re arguing against..., well, no-one, basically, on that point.

What can I say? If I’m going to be nasty on the internet because I think someone is wrong, I have to come back with my tail between my legs when I’m wrong. Someone will read this thread and see what a huge moron, but at least they’ll see I'm an HONEST moron.

The fact that you would call drunk sex between an 18-year-old woman and her estranged father “consensual” tells me everything I need to know about how you would like to see this case played out. Goodbye.

Anyone who is familiar with neglectful/addict parenting knew something was up from the beginning, starting with his unnecessary and indecent Saturday interview of “I left and they took turns with her.” Father of the year indeed.

I’m not being stupid and I’m pretty sure I’ve been in NYC longer than you. I’m waiting to hear more about this case. For fuck’s sake. I knew better than to express anything but BURN THE RAPISTS at this echo chamber. If I’m wrong, I will certainly apologize, but what if we’ve got another CP5 or Rolling Stone fuck-up

Eyewitness reports are strange. Remember the Central Park Five, they were convicted by such reports being used to get confessions out of underage kids. These kids could be guilty, but let’s slow our riot and try and have an actual fair trial.

It does feel creepily familiar, but just because one group of teens were wrongly convicted of rape in Central Park doesn’t mean a second group can’t be guilty.

That’s all I am saying — the case is strange. I hope this poor girl is all right, and if there was a crime committed I certainly hope the perpetrators are brought to justice. Forgive me for not coming after five black teenagers with pitchforks after the NYPD calls them rapists ... we’ve been through this once before

No, it is not. it is also almost unheard of that neither one of them was in possession of a cell phone.

Also, the father was reportedly drinking beer with his daughter in the park before this happened. Doesn’t really cast doubt on anything, but it is strange. Or, at least it seems that way to me, a flyover state-dweller. Is drinking beer with your underage children in poorly lit public parks at night a common thing for

Actually I’m basing most of it on what the father said and how he said it when the NBC reporter knocked on his door Saturday afternoon. Something along the lines of “I left, and they took turns with her.” It was the verbal equivalent of a shrug.

So ALL media colluded to erroneously report the victim’s companion as her friend and not her father? Because they all did. Which makes me question if either she or her father initially gave that information to the cops.

Which is why I’m taking a wait and see approach. Not calling the father a liar, just that something about his story is off.

You wouldn’t be saying that to me if my feeling was “lock the suspects up for life.”

Haven’t watched a minute of that, but I’ve sure as shit seen my share of crimes reported in NYC over the past 40 years — thanks for asking