Stop posting fucking borderline furry porno, you idiot. Shit like this is why Denton sent you to the greys in the first place. And you wonder why folks don’t like furries?
I practice a amateurish version of this with my partner when I’ve lost focus during foreplay/sex. Sometimes my thoughts wander and anxieties about life sneak in and it takes me out of the moment. But rather than stopping (because I still want to be intimate), I’ll take a deep breath and focus on the physical…
Basically, young teen girls found out about him from some more ‘romance’oriented scenes and started making Tumblrs about him. From there, the online media, like GOOD and yes, Jezebel, picked this up and talked him up. Other media outlets followed. JD was already a very popular performer but being branded ‘female…
“But some women like being abused, beaten and spat upon. Don’t kink-shame them! Any sexual act in the world can be feminist as long as it’s consensual, so it doesn’t matter that these images of abuse are being manufactured for a presumed male audience that enjoys watching women be dehumanized!”
I don’t get it. The guy strangles, hits and spits on his costars. If that isn’t anti-feminism, I don’t know what is.
Hit the nail on the head. Nowhere will you hear a feminist suggest that maybe filming simulated rape and abuse for profit is a bad idea. No no, can’t have that, that’s ‘kink-shaming’. These feminists could not slobber praise on Deen fast enough when he was fulfilling their rape fantasies but spouting feminist…
Women in America are taught to love mediocre white men and that’s him in a nutshell.
Why do people focus so much on powerless “superheroes” like Batman when the likes Superman hasn’t had a decent game in years? Give me a game about a superhero with real powers and not just some rich guy in a techno-suit, FFS.
X-O Manowar vs Ninjak. A Tellgame Games Series. :D
Source please. Everywhere I have ever gone I tend to see the melee clings as a niche group. The kids that brought their own tv and console then spend the entire time trying to make people like it as much as they do while everyone else plays brawl and 4. It’s a group that can only die off and lose numbers at this…
This is the first time I’ve been happy with an article that contains both the word “trigger” and “millennial” in the title. I’m tickled pink that if you now google those two words this article is bound to pop up.
It’s a decent plan to pretend you are winning and become extremely condescending when you’re losing an argument but it won’t work with me. The insults are a little childish as well. You’re better than that.
I keep thinking of everyone who doesn't have an iPhone thinking that Usher is working hard on being able to fellate himself and I can't stop laughing.
No matter how good digital gets, I’ve yet to see something that is CGI that fooled me.
Meanwhile in Philadelphia, a fan went 1-for-10 in a free throw competition. Upon sullenly returning to his seat, he was informed that he’s being added to the Sixers’ starting rotation, but his wife and son were traded for a basket of hot wings and a 2018 second-round pick.
He noticed, and she noticed he was a man.