I can't comprehend how creating a genre (underage) of porn that is intended to visually replicate a criminal act is acceptable to anyone on a "basic human decency" level.
Lincoln, like Acura needs an image upgrade and a new naming convention. Also, what was wrong with the LS and the Aviator, bring those two back. An explorer based Aviator would probably look great.
Why do you guys love the Miata so much?
Mara Salvatrucha (commonly abbreviated as MS-13) is a transnational criminal gang that originated in Los Angeles and has spread to other parts of the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Central America.[4] The majority of the gang is ethnically composed of Central Americans (mostly Salvadorans) and active in urban and…
You win... All of the shanks.
Fox already has mark fuhrman, seriously.
Even in Sharia law, death is not the acceptable punishment.
J-Lo is not playing, ever.
You mean Spike Lee's "Bamboozled" right?
Really the Shelby is the only truly glaring offense.
Embargoes in general are not necessarily a red flag. For promotional purposes some companies try to have all their review hit at the same time to maximize their impact. In some cases it's been done to make sure web reviews did not hit prior to print reviews.
Spoiler Alert - ha!
One vagina, twenty two different screen names.