
So this...

You win.

Does the Global Feminist Conspiracy have like a cool HQ and uniforms? Just curious.

It's amazing how some people feel entitled to act on any desire they have. Like they have no inside voice saying "Dude, stop".

Is this the Canadian version of a ray rice costume?

My former boss spent about $400 monthly on detailing his Ferrari and I can't image what the insurance was on it.

I had an old awesome 69 Mustang. That was easy. Parts were generally cheap. Fixing it was easy and it was fun to drive. I can't imagine having the same experience with a 20 year old Porsche.

Buying a used luxury car is a HOBBY.

This article explains EXACTLY what went through my head years ago when I saw a car just like the one pictured below at a used car lot in my neighborhood, selling for about $13k.

The arm just out of a cast smells like fermented foot and looks like the arm on the left.

Even though the latter half of Secret Invasion was kind of a letdown, the Black Panther tie in was great.

Is there a down vote button somewhere?

Sorry humanity...

Saw this a few weeks ago while driving to San Diego and had no idea what it was. It looks like a ship parked next to an oil platform.


So, I have an issue with the first sentence in this article.

The send more money bit was great.

I told him that I was a fan and he looked at me for a second and asked if I was a fan of the original "V" series (my answer) or of the Splinter Cell games. I was surprised he did not ask if I was a fan of "Total Recall".