
Michael Ironside was able to guess my age within a year by asking me which of two projects I knew him from.

In-N-Out seems to have a real live off the menu, menu, and the staff all know what the items are.

An El Miraj or El Dorado would be nice as well.

The abundance of Cypress Hill posters in her office should have been a tip off for her editor though.

That was pretty tacky, but funny.

Bing, found it!

  • Best Inflight Entertainment User Interface — Virgin Atlantic

Culprit spotted.

Keith Olbermann Sews NFL's Asshole Closed And Keeps Feeding It And Feeding It And Feeding It

Speaking of concepts, check out this Mustang (Milano) concept.

All comments following this one are null.

Travolta was miscast as the villain and the Punishers methods (fake fire hydrant, really?) to trap him were silly.

Since it came at the last year of the 80's, can we include the 850?

Is Lauryn Hill being late to a show even news anymore?

How did I not know about this truck.

Amber please.