
Bungie will announce destiny 2 today?!

Never gonna happen Sony spent millions of dollars on this game to make PS4 more appealing and they did a pretty good job of it, tbh this game drives a stake through “console games doesn’t look good”

I still remember hespith’s poem -if you can call it that- it was chilling in a way.

It’s not just that consoles+ dedicated servers makes it almost impossible to cheat on PS4 and Xbox

PS4 sales reached 53 million and nobody buys a PlayStation if they don’t want to buy playstation games physical or digital ,hmm so how did you get your numbers.

Whaaaa??! I can’t believe zenyatta’s ult isn’t with them , just ascend and get the f*** out of there!

Thank u for taking the time to explain things reasonably on the internet as difficult as that can be , and FYI for people thinking that Konkani pulled from AAA entirely(they began focusing more on mobile and gambling sure) that’s a false notion that konami itself denied , they promised to continue making PES , metal

Still bashing PSVR with your review even though most people who didn’t try the 2500$+ VR are having a blast with it.