
one step closer to mech suit battles at school!

put it on a waffle cone and deep fry that shit!!

Now playing

my old laptops keyboard was messed up and the monitor hinges were breaking more and more every time i opened it. so i converted it into a media box hidden inside of an old stereo...well, sort of hidden, more converted. dig this!

i want a slate i want a slate i want a slate i want a slate i want a slate i want a slate i want a slate i want a slate i want a slate i want a slate i want a slate i want a slate i want a slate i want a slate i want a slate i want a slate i want a slate i want a slate i want a slate i want a slate i want a slate i

the controller interface is fantastic. if they could angle the table to make holding your arms comfortably, it would be mega-boss! either way, this is the closest thing ive seen of actually getting rid of a controller.

@slepton: i also didnt mention that i wouldnt buy this one either. its not what i want. i want a full operating system on a tablet, no matter how little battery it has. i just want a 10"-13" tablet that can support a real stylus and have windows 7. thats my dream machine.

this looks fantastic. how much $$?!

@JeffPom: except this time apple invents - others improve.

mozilla cant even manage to speed up their browser. what makes anyone think that they could develop or maintain a device such as this? madness. as awesome as it would be...madness.

@tproku: well, thank you for discrediting yourself forever.

i used IE7 for a long while, then i switched to FF and was extremely glad i made the switch. it was just a better experience.

@tproku: bloat of chrome? youre joking right?

@MattyMattMatt: if youve been using the damn thing for years SAFELY, then you would know that its not a big deal to turn it off for a gaming session. i could safely use my computer without an AV almost all the time because i know how to browse the internet SAFELY. just saying that its not that big of a deal that they

@Squiddles: dont break your arm patting yourself on the back.

@MattyMattMatt: you notice that you can change those options...maybe a better program than you are giving it credit for.

it looks like it just copied every other browser on the market. big whoop. i guess im glad to see MS finally warming up to the idea of not sucking, but i havent seen anything yet that would drag me away from chrome.

this looks god-like!!!

#correction in the title of this article. remove "a picture of" and watch the fireworks!!

i dont get the attraction to these types of desktops. things look scattered and isolated. it looks unpleasant. to me that is.